CHAPTER 1- A Fateful Meeting

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DISCLAIMER: I own nothing except plot and possible OCs :)
Omg I am so sorry I haven't update in a month ='(. I had extreme writers block for this chapter so its probably not that great, but hey at least I update right :D. Well here's the story. (FINALLY) Please Vote, Comment and Share. Hope you like.

THIRD PERSON POV: In two separate worlds, one of magic and one of ninja. Two people's hearts cried out at the same time, they cried out for someone to know them, to recognize them, to love them. They cried out desperately to no longer be alone, and for once in their lives Kami decided to give them a break. The two lonely, broken people were surrounded by a blinding white light and their fates were forever changed.

(Oooo I'm so dramatic XD!! Sorry on with the story)

STILL THIRD PERSON POV: Naruto and Lucy both woke up completely healed, in a very bright field floating in the clouds. Both of them of them thought this must be heaven, they then both thought oh great that means I'm dead, lovely. As they had this thought they finally notice each other, and promptly started yelling at each other. Though their shouts were suddenly interrupted by a melodious laugh. They spun around to see...

KAMI'S POV: (A.K.A. Me!=D!)
"Hahaha" " please do calm down you two, honestly." "Who the hell are you!!" The two equally loud blondes yelled at the goddess. "Who am I? Well that's a silly question, I am Kami-sama of course! You are in my realm. I brought you here so that you could meet each other, since the two of you have quite similar pasts. You both were betrayed by those you called friends and family, you both swore to never trust again and yet even as you swore this, both of your hearts were crying out, praying for someone who would understand stand and love you, never betray you, someone to stand beside you and show you that you aren't alone. Someone to acknowledge that you exist. So I decide to bring you together and change your fate." "What!?" They both scream. I just smiled, I knew this would be entertaining. I wonder when they'll stop screaming, so that I can explain, maybe I should actually be paying attention to what there saying, since they've been screaming at me for the last five minutes. Oh what ever I guess I should explain to them now. "OK SHUT UP!! I will explain what is going now. So as I said before I brought you to my realm, so that you could meet, talk and form a new bond so you two get to know each other, tell each other everything that has happened up until this point and I'll be listening, so I'll know if you leave anything out, since I know everything. After you to have gotten to know each other I'll tell you what happens next ok. Ok just talk amongst yourselves and tell me when your done and don't worry you to are going to be the best of friends!"

Les Time Skip (brought to you by Ichyracou ramen)
I skipping them talking about their lives since you already know what happened

KAMI'S POV: "Ok. Now that you to know all about each other I'm going to give you a choice. I am going to send you back to your worlds, now don't panic I know you want to stay together, I want you to as well. If I didn't, I wouldn't have brought you here. Now your choice is whose world do you want to go to, it is a difficult choice so I will give you five minutes to decide, choose wisely."

5 MINUTES LATER (spongebob voice)

"Kami-sama we would like to go back to Lucy's world, since I think I would have a much easier time adapting to her world, than she would to mine." Naruto says.
"If that is your decision, than so be it. I wish you both the best of luck and I will transport you to Lucy's family's estate. Good by Lucy, Naruto I wish you a better fate."
"Good bye Kami-sama, and thank you so much!!" Both blondes yelled as they were engulfed in a golden light.

Ok I'm done this chapter sorry its short and kind dramatic for no reason. And again I'm sorry it took so long to update I'll try and update again bye Sunday I hope :[.

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