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My sin is sloth, for I am the queen of procrastination!
I'm back peoples and thank you to everyone who is reading this book even though I suck at updating! I'm only introducing one OC this chapter she is mine.
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing except the plot and some of the OC's! Please Vote, Comment and Share!
And action!

Its been two days since Kiara and Xavier joined the guild and they are really fun. After we all introduced ourselves me and Naru took them into the town and got them their houses, they asked about rent, but we explained that we as a guild will pay for everything sort of like after each mission we will collect a tax that will be used to pay for maintaining the town and guild. So that way everyone contributes and we all help each other, Kiara and Xavier both thought it was a great idea.
Right now me and Kiara are sitting at the bar watching Xavier and Naru play a game which involves Naru making a bunch of shadow clones and Xavier using his magic to blow them up to try and find the real Naru. Then when Xavier does find the real Naru Kiara has to step in and heel him. Surprisingly its really funny to watch.
"Bang! Bang!"
"Ahhhh! THAT ONE REALLY HURT TEME!" Naru's yells at Xavier.
"Well it looks like Xavier found the real Naruto, Kiara would you please help that idiot."
"Yeah no problem Lucy." Kiara says as she hops off her stool and tends to Naru's wound.
"Hey Luce I'm not an idiot!" Naruto yells in my direction.
"You are playing a game where the goal is you getting blown up." I deadpan.
"Meanie!" Naruto says pouting.
Everyone laughs at his ridiculous face, but our laughing fit is interrupted by a knock at the door.
We all freeze, Xavier being the first to unfreeze gets up and goes towards the door as he walks away he tells us to wait for him in the library. Once Xavier's form disappears around the corner we all unfreeze and go over to the library and sit in the chairs.
Then Xavier comes through the doors with a little girl behind him, she is so cute!!!

Then Xavier comes through the doors with a little girl behind him, she is so cute!!!

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Emi Tokura
(Imagine she has purple eyes)

"Guys this is Emi Tokura, she wants to join the guild." Xavier says pushing the girl forward.
"Its nice to meet you Emi. My name is Naruto Namikaze and I'm the co-master of this guild along with Lucy Heartfilia, you've already met Xavier so that just leaves Kiara here ." Naru says introducing all of us.
"Um, high its nice to meet you Mr. Namikaze, Ms. Heartfilia as Mr. Xavier said my name is Emi Tokura and I would like to join your guild please." Emi says in a soft voice.
"Oh sweety you don't need to address us as mister or by our last names just call me Lucy and if you want to join can you tell us why." I say to the little girl, she look likes she about Wendy's age.
"Um ok Lucy, I want to join because I want a real family. You see when I was about 9 years old my mother and older brother were murdered by a dark guild, my father took me deep into the forest to hide from them or at least that's what he told me. It was fine for about a year, but then he started to act weirdly he began using me as a replacement for my mother. H-h-he raped me and then a year later when I was 11 I found out the he had hired the dark guild to kill my mother and brother, I confronted him and he tried to kill me, I got away but ended up lost in the forest where I met a huge Phoenix named Halcion. He trained me and made me into the first Phoenix slayer, he became my family, but a year ago when I was 13 he disappeared and I have been looking for him and for proof to incarcerate my father ever since. However when I was at the last train station I say your flyer and I realized that I really only wanted a place to call home and people to care about me." Emi finish her story and both me and Kiara are crying and Naru and Xavier look pissed.
"I am so sorry for what that bastard of a man did to you! Of course you can join!" I cry as I hug the poor girl.
Then everyone else goes around and tells Emi their stories.
After that we take her to get her guild mark which she gets on her left thigh.
We go back over to the bar and celebrate with Emi and just have good time, and Naru keeps telling Emi how cool it is that she's a Phoenix slayer, and she is laughing at all his questions about her magic, while asking her own questions about being a ninja.
Yeah this is fun, this is our home.

Kami-sama's POV:
So Celestial fox now has five members, those two are doing very well I wonder what will happen next, and if they will like the surprise I have waiting for them.

And cut, we're done for tonight folks hope you enjoy, sorry it kind of short. I will update some time next weekend!

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