Fangirl Madness

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Finally, Air & Style fest is here. I bought my tickets 4 months ago! I'm a big fan of snowboarding & festivals so this was the perfect combo.

It's around 3PM and me and my girls Layla and Jenny are walking around, checking out the merch (and the hotties, haha 😈). Out of nowhere I hear a lot of girls screaming.

When I look over I see a group of about 10-20 teenage girls going straight up crazy, shouting and jumping. Two boys are in the middle - both tall, skinny, spiky hair. Twins. One of them is wearing a black Air & Style hoodie, while the other one has a cool jacket, black with white sleeves, over a white T-shirt. Not gonna lie, he looks good.

Don't know who these boys are, but the scene is pretty funny: the two of them literally attacked by girls who are trying to take pictures. I barely make out what they're saying, sounds like Luke & Mark or something. Maybe that's their names. Me and Layla start laughing at the whole thing and I can see the one with the jacket look up at me.

We make eye contact for a couple of seconds, then he looks back down at his pen, signing some girl's iPhone case. I feel bad now for laughing, plus I'm over the whole thing, so I take Layla's arm and start walking towards the music scene.

The concert is about to start soon. I look back one more time and - wait, what? - he's walking towards me! What does he want?

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