Chapter Seven

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"Kendall Anne Lupin come back with my bat" George yelled on his broom. Kendall raced around the field on her firebolt with George's bat in her right arm. His comit was useless compared to her broom. Kendall kept riding until she noticed George landed. She swooped down throwing the bat at him smiling. 

"I will get you back for that Lupin" George smirked. 

Kendall shook her head carrying her broom back in side. Remus was on the couch chatting his Charlie.

Charlie looked up at smiled. 

"Kendall we are gonna go to the quidditch World Cup tomorrow" Charlie spoke.  

"What they tickets are so expensive we aren't" Kendall spoke. 

"Ken I payed for them" Charlie laughed.  

Kendall looked outside to see Charlie playing with Fleur and Bills child. Kendall giggled watching him. Kendall peered into the sky spotting line of black dusts. Kendall pulled the door open running towards Charlie before the death eater pulled his wand out.

"Lily go back in side!" Draco yelled. 

Lily gripped Charlie closer as George stood in front of her.  

"We come for Kendall Lupin" One of them spat.  

They pointed their wands towards Draco. Kendall buried her head into Charlie

"Boy let go of her" another one spoke.  

"Over my dead body!" George yelled.  

"Kendall go!" Draco spoke. He tried pulling her hands off of him. She fought against it.

"Kendall do it for me" Draco whispered.  

Kendall shook her head looking into his eyes she felt hers water. Two death eaters walked towards Charlie both trying to grab Kendall away.

"Don't you dare touch her" Draco yelled.  

"Kendall please go" Remus spoke. 

Kendall stood in front of Draco pointing her wand towards the death eaters.  

"You don't have a master anymore. We killed him what are you doing here" Kendall scowled. 

"Lucius asks for you" One spoke grabbing onto Kendall throwing her onto the ground across the field.

'HE KNOWS MIONE" she screamed in pain.

"No!" Draco yelled.  

Kendall stood up ripping her wand up and pointing it to the one who threw her. 

"Petrificus Totalus!" Lily yelled. 

Kendall sprinted back to the house as Mrs Weasley and Mr Weasley came running out as did many others. 

"Get off my land now" Mr Weasley yelled.  

Kendall kept running through the burrow to the fire place when she felt a stinging pain from behind her falling to the ground.


"How's that head of yours tough nut" Charlie smiled as Kendall began to wake.

"Sore" Kendall mumbled. 

Charlie pulled his wand out healing it and wrapping a bandaid around it. 

"Better?" He asked.

Charlie let go walking over to Ginny. Harry walked towards her.  

"What's a year without drama" Kendall laughed.

Kendall pulled herself to her feet faintly remembering what happened, she pulled her self up the stair case and flopped onto her bed. Hermione brushed her hair off her face.

"Whats with you and Charlie?" she questioned

"We have always been close ever since we were younger, he was always the silent one" she laughed

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