Oh Shit!

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Sorry my update is a couple days late. I just spend the whole weekend painting, then went to my friend's house, and then celebrated my birthday. To make up for being a couple days late, I am posting 2 chapters today :)


"Wait. What!?" How the hell did she find out? Dimitri and I are so subtle... Never mind. Since finding out I was pregnant, Dimitri didn't want to train heavily. He was afraid of hurting the baby so our training sessions became make-out sessions. So much for subtle.

"Ms. Hathaway, I have knowledge and proof of you and Guardian Belikov having more than just a mentor/student relationship. Know that if you lie, consequences will be much worse than they have to be."

She said she has proof... "Can I see the 'proof' you claim to have?" Kirova turned to grab a folder off her desk. She handed it to me and motioned for me to open it. What I saw shocked me beyond belief. There were several photos of Dimitri and I. Some were taken as recent as two days ago. Dimitri and I's make-out session got a bit heated, to be more specific. I looked back up at Kirova and said, "We love each other. Separate us as much as you want, but we will always find each other."

She stared at me with her piercing hawk-eyes and said, " has informed e that you are pregnant. Is there any possibility that the child is Guardian Belikov's?"

I regarded her carefully. One mistake could ruin everything. "And what if it is?" Just as Kirova was about to answer, the secretary walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt, Headmistress, but the new transfer is here along with her family. Should I tell them to wait?"

"No. Send them in please. Thank you, Lucy." She turned back to me. "Wait in that corner over there and stay quiet until I am done with this new transfer."

Kirova turned to me, frowned, then hissed, "While I am dealing with the new novice you are to sit," she plopped me down into a chair in the far back corner of her office, "here and not make a single noise. Understood?"

I saluted her like a soldier and said in military style, "Sir, yes sir!"

She shook her head and went back to her desk. Right when she reached it, the door opened. In walked to people people. A woman in her early 40's and another girl who looked to be about my age. They both had brown hair the same shade as Dimitri's. They had a light tan and when I got a closer look... I would have known those eyes anywhere. They were DImitri's eyes. Shit. This had to be Dimitri's family. The woman had to be his mother, Olena, and the girl his younger sister, Viktoria. They came in and Kirova greeted them, gesturing toward a couple of seats.

As Kirova droned on and on the same speech she gives to all novices on their first day, welcome, we are glad to have you, blah, blah, blah. I tuned out and nodded off for a while. When I tuned back in, Kirova was still going on. Except this time, I saw Alberta walking in. She stood up against the wall with a guardian mask in place. I was getting impatient. How much longer is Headmistress Bitch going to be?! I ended up tapping my foot impatiently. When that didn't work, I fidgeted restlessly in my seat. I knew I was making a lot of noise.

"Rosemarie. Is there a problem?"

"Headmistress," I started, "there is. I need to pee."

"And how do I know that this isn't another one of your lies?" The novice and woman were looking at me now.

"I need to pee. So, is it going to happen in A.) the plant by the window, B.) in the hallway by the door, or C.) in the bathroom? Which shall it be?"

She sighed. "Very well. Guardian Petrov, will you please escort Ms. Hathaway to the... bathroom?"

Alberta walked towards me, grabbed my arm, and whisked me out the door. As soon as we were out the door, Alberta pushed me into her office. "I know that you don't have to go to the bathroom. You have five minutes." With that, she walked out the door. I turned around and saw home. I jumped into Dimitri's warm and safe embrace. We didn't have a lot of time unfortunately, so I pulled back a little bit and looked up at Dimitri.

"She knows, Comrade. Kirova has photos of us kissing."

"Does she know anything else," he asked, referring to the baby.

"Dr. Olendzki told her I'm pregnant. She knows the baby is yours. What are we going to do?" Dimitri took my face in his hands.

"We'll go back together and explain that we love each other and that there's nothing she can do about it." His gaze intensified. "No matter what happens, Roza, I love you. Forever and always." He kissed me with every ounce of love in him. When he pulled back, he knelt down to my stomach. "Я тоже люблю тебя, малыш."

When he pulled back this time, he didn't stand back up. "I would have liked to have done this more romantically, but I need to ask you now. Roza, you are my air, my faith, and my home. You are the most beautiful, fierce, loving, and loyal person I know. I love you and I don't wan't to spend another second without knowing you are mine forever. Will you make me the happiest man on Earth and marry me, Roza?"

I was shocked. I had never thought I'd find love, let alone get married and have a baby. But here I am. I was sure of one thing and that was Dimitri. I know that my future lies with him and I want it. I nodded my head. "Yes! Yes, Comrade, I'll marry you!"

He grinned, slipped a ring onto my finger, and kissed me.

Alberta knocked on the door and opened it. "Times up. The Headmistress will start to get suspicious."

Dimitri held my hand as we followed Alberta back to Kirova's office. Alberta quietly opened the door and we all slipped inside. Kirova was finishing up with the novice. Dimitri froze when he saw the novice and her mother- the woman and girl looked too much alike to not be mother and daughter- so I tugged on his hand to get his attention. We continued to walk back to the corner I was sitting in before.

Kirova finished her speech (poor girl) and they stood up. "Rosemarie and Guardian Belikov. Nice of you to finally join us." Next thing I knew the girl novice was hugging Dimitri and he was... hugging her back?

"Mama's mad, because you haven't called." She pulled back and laughed. "You're in so much trouble." She walked back to her mother. Kirova addressed Dimitri and I as the girl grabbed her stuff.

"Rosemarie. Guardian Belikov. We will finish this discussion later. You both know the academy like the back of you hand. Why don't you show our new student her way around?" It wan't so much a question, but rather a demand.

"Sure thing," I said dryly. Dimitri and I walked out of the administration building with the girl and her mom. We had walked for another minute or two in silence, when the storm came.

"Dimitri Aleksandr Belikov, why haven't I received a single phone call or email in months? Your own mother!"

Oh shit. This IS Dimitri's family. I looked at Dimitri and saw him hang his head in shame. "I'm sorry mama. I've been really busy."

"And what on Earth could have kept you so busy?" Dimitri hesitated. "Well out with it, boy. What's been keeping you?"

Dimitri pulled me to his side and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Mama, Vika, this is Rose. My fiancee."

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