Worst Nightmares Come True

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I woke up the next morning to Dimitri laying next to me. He looked so peaceful. I smiled and kept looking at him. He never looks this relaxed when he's awake. He's always alert, prepared for anything that comes at him. I knew I had lost track of time staring at Dimitri when he started to stir. He chuckled. "How long have you been up?"

"I can't remember. I kind of lost track of time. You look so peaceful and relaxed when you're sleeping." He leaned over me and dipped his face in for a kiss.

"Good morning, Roza," he whispered, resting his forehead against mine.

"Good morning, Comrade," I whispered back.

"We have to get up."

"Comrade," I whined. "Why can't we just lay here all day and not worry about anything else? Do we really have to get up?"

He chuckled. "Yes, Roza. We have to get up. We're supposed to go and meet with Kirova again today to see what her final decision is."

I sighed. "Fine. But only as long as you stay and take a shower with me."


Forty-five minutes later, Dimitri and I had finished our shower together. Dimitri had some clean clothes from previous nights of him sleeping over so he didn't have to sneak off early. After we had finished getting ready, we headed down to the cafeteria. Everyone was leaving to head to class, but there were some leftover bagels and mini cereal boxes. We snagged a few and headed to Dimitri's room.

We sat on his bed and ate. Dimitri was doing some things on his computer and wouldn't let me see. Finally, he turned the computer between us so I could see as well. I saw baby-galore. "We need to start picking out stuff for when the baby comes. Plus, this will help kill time while we're waiting for Kirova to call us down."

We ended up finding just about everything that we needed. The stroller, crib, diaper bag, bottle set, a breast pump (much to my embarrassment), car seat, blankets, burp cloths, a swing, and a strap-on carrier (which will come in handy). The only thing we needed to decide on was the color we wanted. We can't really decide that until we know the sex of the baby. We spent two hours doing that. We shut the computer off and I didn't know what to do for the rest of the time. After a second, it came to me.

We ended up making out and fooling around. That lasted for an hour. It would have been longer, but Dimitri's cell rang. It was time for our fate to be decided here at the academy. We walked down hand in hand. The walk down happened too soon. We were ushered in by another guardian and sat at the two chairs in front of Kirova's desk. She paced in around the room for what felt like forever before talking.

"Miss Hathaway and Guardian Belikov. You've found yourselves in a substantial amount of trouble. This goes above and beyond everything you've done here at the academy, Rosemarie. I never in my life would have expected this. And Guardian Belikov. I had such high expectations for you and this one mistake erases any respect I had for you." I wanted so badly to punch her for all the bolshit she was saying. Dimitri is an amazing man. The only thing holding me back was him gripping my hand in his telling me to calm down.

"After much deliberation with some highly respected and trust worthy guardians, we have come to the conclusion that your staying here at the academy will be terminated. I will not allow my school be disgraced by having you here any longer, Rosemarie. You very well danger the reputation of our authority and keeping you here while in your condition will danger the reputation further." I started to stand up and say something, but Dimitri tugged me back down and caught my eye telling me to sit down and stay quiet.

"Guardian Belikov. You know as well as I do the rules about male and female interaction. You have not only violated the rule, but have gone above and beyond to break it with your student of all people. For that, your record will be marked and you will temporarily be stripped of your title until this situation is discussed again with the Head Guardian at court, which will be in a couple of years. Until then, you both are no longer welcome at the academy. You will have twenty-four hours to gather all of your things and say goodbye. You may now leave."

Tears ran silently down my face as Dimitri and I walked out of Kirova's office and back up to his room. He held me as we lay on the bed. The academy was my home. I grew up here. This is where almost every single one of my memories were made, where Liss and I met. I can't believe I was being kicked out of my own home. And even worse, Dimitri was being stripped of his title. While I'll never even graduate to earn mine.

"What are we going to do, Dimitri? Our worst nightmares our coming true."

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