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Josh's POV:
So apparently you get your äss thrown in jail if you slash a dudes tires. Oh and at least Alex got thrown in jail for attempt of rape on Miranda.
So I'm just sitting in a cops car bc I just got arrested. Let me tell you. It's not fun when you come home to the cops on your porch and your mom cussing you out. Anyways. It's boring back here.

*at the police station*
"Sir you are in cell block #666" i heard the cop say.
We started walking towards my cell and out of the corner of my eye I saw the whöre people call Alex.
He looked at me and smirked. I just flipped him off the best I could while in handcuffs.
We finally got to my cell and they told me the bottom bunk was mine and the other one was my cell mates.
*30 minutes later*
I was just chillin on my bunk when I heard the gates open.

"well well well. What do we have here?" I heard a too familiar voice say.
" what the hëll are you doing in here?!" I half yelled and half asked.
"Well. It looks like we are cell mates. This is my cell. And that top bunk there. Is mine." He said with the same smirk at earlier.
"Look all I have to say. Is you better leave me the fück alone." I said bitterly.
"Awe. But where's the fun in that?" He chuckled out as he started walking closer to me now that I was standing up.
"W-what are y-you d-do-doing??" I stuttered.
"Well you see right now it's lunch here and all the guards and other jail mates are eating. And right now. It's only you and me." He was inches away from me.
"Get away from me now. I mean it." I said sternly.
"Now are you going to be a good little josh and let me do it easily or are you going to have me do it the hard way" he said smirking.
I knew what was coming. I tried to run out but he grabbed my wrist hard  and pushed me on my bunk.

"HELP. HELP!!!!" I screamed but nobody could hear me.
I felt a sharp pain in my face. He punched me.
"Be quiet you little shït!!" He said angrily. As he tore off my uniform along with his.
"Now I have 5 minutes. You better shut the hëll up and enjoy it!" He yelled.
By then it was too late. He flipped me over and rammed it inside me.
I yelled in pain and each time I did. He would slap me.
It was over. That was the longest and worst 5 minutes of my life. Who the hëll does he think he is. I'm fücking straight. He threw my uniform at me and said If id tell anyone. He would kill me. So I had to keep my mouth shut.......
Hey guys. It's Maddey. Surprising right?  This was hard to right bc it was. Idek why. Anyways. The picture at the beginning of this chapter is Alex.
Stay you. Stay beautiful. I love you my Carebears. Until next time. Byee✌🏻️

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