Chapter 3

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Alight so Savannah's desk situation is taken care of. The story board is going great for the next few chapters of RWBY. Things are falling right into place. I couldn't be any happier. Well I could be but, I don't want to go and mess things up.

"Hey! Hey! KERRY!" Goodness is he deaf I nearly popped a blood vessel in my eye

"Oh, hey what's going on Miles." Kerry slips into the office all nonchalantly as if miles didn't just call after a deaf grandmother who refuses to wear her hearing aids

"Oh nothing just stretching my vocal cords." Miles says with his lips twisted and a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "No but really I just wanted to let you know if you need Savannah during the day when we aren't in meetings she's going to be set up in Jon's office where there is more room." The whole time Miles is explaining this Kerry has a very judge mental look on his face. "What is that look for?"



"Are you sure you want her in Jon's office."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

At this point in the conversation Miles is highly offended and is getting quite red

"What I mean is I notice things Miles."

"Oh yeah Kerry like what."

"Like the fact that when you were drinking coffee with Jon this morning as soon as Savannah walked up you got super flustered and that fact that you are super defensive right now."

Before Kerry could even get out the last bit of his sentence Miles was already interjecting, " I'm not defensive at all."

With his hands in the air in a pleading fashion "Okay, okay I'm just warning you those two are going to be spending a lot of alone time in that office together."

Scoffing " It will be fine I'm not worried."

"Alright, well I'll see you later then."

"Yeah, see you later."

Well it's about lunch time now. Maybe I'll swing by and see if Savannah wants to get something since she's new to the area and probably does the know where much is. Yeah that would be smooth. See Kerry I have nothing to worry about.

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