Ties Before Birth/Vampire Knight Kaname Kuran x reader

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PG-10 because its not too bad but its not meant for like 7 year olds you know? 

The village slept peacefully as the moon reached the top of the sky. That is, before the monsters came. Smoke floated to the moon as the immortal murders burned the villagers homes. The poor humans had run amok and two children were having trouble escaping the fires.

"Lira! you must keep up with me!" A boy no older than six had screamed to his twin sisters.

The girl tried to keep up with the boy but a full grown man had bumped into her; the little children were seperated. The boy was safe and sound with the other villagers that had escaped to the nearby hill. He watched as the world he knew became ash with the last family he had. 

Two monsters walked threw the fire, searching for a rare gem. They had agreed to seperate; one went to the main square the other went to the crying little girl. He bent down watching her with dull eyes as she cried and cried under a column of wood. The man grabbed the column and threw it to the side with ease. he had thought the little girl would run for her life, but she didn't.

"Are you an angel? Are you here to take me to my mommy and daddy?" She barely could talk with the spoke in her lungs.

The man frowned, taking pity on the innocent creature before him.

"Quezler! I found it!" His older brother ran to him and the small girl.

The little child named Lira smiled, "I am so lucky. Two angels will take me to my parents." 

Lira smiled with tears in her eyes, mistaking the beauty of the monsters for angels.The brothers grabbed Lira and took her to safety.

Their hearts had over powered their better judgement.

Lira had felt sick on the horse she road with Quezler; they had to have her rest by a small apple tree.

"What is your name, child?" Quezler's brother had stayed by the side lines, seeing that she had preffered someone more closer to her age. 

"Lira, Lira Louise!" The girl smiled even if she was covered in ash, bruises, and burns.

Haruka smiled, "Such a pretty name. I am Haruka Kuran and this is my brother, Quezler." 

They both had bowed making Lira giggle and blush. Quezler grabbed an apple and handed it to Lira. 

"I love apples." Lira had said excited and a smile found its way onto Quezler Kuran.


Okay so this is a short story *cough like 10 chaps i think* and kaname wont be in it till like chapter 4.... So yeah... 

Two things i want to point out just cuz i dont feel like messing up anyone or anything and just a little hey this means this yada yada yada

" Haruka Kuran" is kanames father. Just in case you guys dont know, I had to look it up cuz i forgot his name xD

Quezler and Lira are OC..... and like they have a big impact on Kaname and well YOU! Yes! This is a Kaname x READER

READER MEANS YOU NOT AN OC JUST FOR THOSE NOT SO SMART PEOPLE!!!! really annoys me when they say ___xReader and its not ;-;

Ties Before Birth/Vampire Knight Kaname Kuran x readerWhere stories live. Discover now