Chapter 13

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When the plague came, it was no kinder to The Otani Research Facility than any other place in the world. About thirty four percent of the population survived the disease itself. But, unlike most of the rest of the world, they were prepared. The remaining population mourned as they buried their heavy losses, but followed their training....guided by the hologram of Hamilton Otani.

The flesh and blood Hamilton did not survive the disease and the Otani family itself was heavily hit. Before he died, he had gathered enough information to convince him that what was happening was one of the events he had so long prepared for and activated the 'Lifeboat Scenario Program'. The oldest surviving grandson, Masaki Otani, was named as the heir and, much to his shock, found that he had become the first regent of the city and executor of his grandfather's long term plan. A man of honor and resolve, Masaki tackled the task with everything he had. Contrasting with the rest of the world, here there was no panic or loss of order. There was no continuing massive loss of life after the passing of the disease itself.

Under the guidance of the new leader and the instructions given during the activation of Hamilton's program, the city's situation stabilized. What soldiers remained of the U.S. Army unit finally swore allegiance to the new king once they realized that they could no longer find any evidence of an organized U.S. Army. They formed the original core of what eventually became the Royal Otani Army.

Although the critical functions of the city were saved and the community stabilized, much was lost. All of the government projects were abandoned due to lack of manpower unless they specifically impacted the city. In many cases everyone who knew anything about a project were dead. Except for the food and supply storage and the armories, most of the underground bunker was shuttered.

In one area, however, they had no choice. Once it was confirmed clear of all personnel the 'Lifeboat' program automatically and permanently sealed off the biological warfare section, sterilized it with bursts of plasma and then filled the entire wing with a liquid that hardened into a plastic material that would last for millions of years without leaking. No one would ever walk through those doors again.

Hard years followed as the city's residents found that they had returned to another era. They had to work to supply their own food, as well as many other necessities that had previously been supplied by others. Hamilton had named the years following the disaster as AV, After Virus. Slowly the population began to expand again; immigrants and wanderers were welcomed, carefully indoctrinated and assimilated.

Those who discovered the place were very grateful, but found that they had to accept Otani customs, laws and way of life to remain and become a permanent part of the community. They had to swear absolute loyalty to the crown, be available for military duty if they were able bodied and were required to go to school and thoroughly learn what it meant to be Otani. Citizens had to obey all laws and orders of the king, members of the royal family, officers of the army, the Royal Otani Council and civilian administrators. Racial or social prejudice was not tolerated and was dealt with so well by the populace that these potentially divisive factors never became issues for the country. It was required that new citizens raise their children to be part of the culture, other ways and customs were to be left behind. Although religious freedom was allowed, the secular Otani culture would remain as homogonous as they could keep it.

These requirements for Otani citizenship not only applied to residents of the city itself, but to every person, region and community that would eventually be assimilated into the future kingdom. All had to become completely submerged into the Otani culture, even down to how they dressed, or they were not accepted. No one was forced to submit to their ways, and were free to seek their way of life elsewhere.

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