This is a pretty long chapter and a lot of things happen in it, but there are also a few scene changes so I hope that doesn't confuse anyone but they're necessary to the chapter. Also, the a/n at the end talks about my writing schedule so you may wanna read that. But I hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Where to Ms. Grace?" I attempt, and fail, at a cabby accent. She tells me the address and I send Calum it. He responds and tells me he'll leave in a few. This day has been pretty fuckin good for me. Let's just hope it stays like that...

Trinity's POV:

"Thanks for driving me back, I really appreciate it." I say, breaking the comfortable silence between Luke and I. When we got into the car I told him where I lived and that's the last conversation we've had for about 45 minutes. He asked if he could put music on soon after we had left the small diner, to which I just gave a small head nod to. Luke's taste in music was surprisingly a lot like mine, and some even better than what I usually will listen to.

"Yeah no problem, and Trinity if you need anything just text me. I put my number in your phone when we were in our way to the diner, sorry if that's weird.." Luke starts to drift off and I give him a small smile.

"No that's fine, saves me the awkwardness of asking you for it." I tell him, mentally smacking myself for how that sounds so weird. We sit for a moment and I open up the door and so does he.

"Do you need a ride to school, or do you have one usually?" I randomly ask Luke, not knowing what to say. A part of me just wants to go inside and lay in my bed, but the other wants to wait for Luke's friend with him so he's not out here all by himself.

"It depends, sometimes I do but if I run late then usually I just walk." He tells me and shrugs a bit.

"Well my friend could give you a ride, only if you want I just thought maybe you would want to. If you don't that's totally fine-" I start to babble to him hoping that he says yes to the ride solely because I want to spend more time with him.

"Uh yeah, I guess that'd be fine. Thanks Grace." He says and it makes me feel a bit better that he doesn't have the playboy signature smirk on his face.

"Okay, well just text me your address and I'll let my friend know I've got another person for him to get." I say and we both give a small chuckle. I see headlights pull up into the driveway and realize that I've got to said goodbye for real this time.

"Oh well bye Luke, have a good night." I say and wave a bit.

"Yeah anytime Grace, I'll see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams." He smiles back and brings me into a small embrace. At first I stand awkwardly not knowing what to do before I give in and wrap my arms around him. As his friend leaves my driveway I walk up to my door and unlock it. There's no lights on in the house so I figure everyone is asleep. I take my shoes off so I don't make any noise, and walk into the kitchen grabbing some food and a drink before heading up into my room. I hear faint noises coming from Carter's bedroom, and I find myself walking over towards his door. When I reach it I open it without thinking, what I see is completely baffling. Claire, my best friend who also happens to be taken is on her knees in front of Carter. They don't seem to notice I'm even there until I drop the food and Gatorade I have in my hands to the floor. When they see me standing, clearly having seen what just happened, they both get up and follow me as I run out of the room and go back to mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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