"You shouldn't be so-" He says before I cut him off.

"Let me finish. You want people to think you're this huge asshole so that they'll stay away. You insult people because you are scared to fucking death that God forbid somebody actually ends up giving a shit about you. You don't feel like you deserve anyone's affection so you do whatever possible to turn people away from you." I say as I stand even closer to Luke. His jaw is dropped and honestly mine probably is too, I had no clue all of that would come out but I'm glad that it did. Somebody needed to tell him.

"You have no clue who I am, or even what the hell my life is like so don't you go and fucking make assumptions about-" I say before he cuts me off this time.

His hands are on my face and he's kissing me. What the hell?

Trinity's POV:

He's kissing me, and I'm not stopping him. He starts to deepen the kiss, his tongue asking for entrance and I open my mouth stifling a moan. I kiss him back and we stay like this for what feels hours before we both pull away. A large smirk is evident on his face and I start to blush. I can't believe this just happened, one minute I was livid and going off on him the next we are in a heated make out session.

"Why'd you do that?" I quietly ask him touching my lips, they still feel as his are attached to them.

"Because you're different. I've always noticed it, you seem like you're perfect but we both know that there's some shit that's gone on to make you feel like you've got to be that way. You're fucked up and even though nobody points it out, but you wouldn't deny it even if they did. You actually will say how you feel, even if it is to an asshole like me that could care less most of the time. I have always liked that little feisty part of you, even if it makes you annoying as shit at times. Plus, you're really fucking hot especially in these." He says playing with the bottom of my shorts. How can he go from being a decent guy back to the fuckboy that within 24hours I have grown to loathe?

"What about Charlie? I saw you guys earlier, are you a thing now?" I ask the question that my mind was screaming not to. I have to know what's going on there especially if he feels how he does. How does he feel? He never really explained that, he just said he liked the feisty part of me which I don't understand. But then again I don't really understand anything about the boy in front of me.

"She just asked if I could do her a favor, when I told her sure she grabbed me and kissed me. She actually wanted to take it farther, but I remembered she had a boyfriend. I may do a lot of shit but help someone cheat isn't one of them. I know from experience how it feels to see someone you want kissing another person and it sucks." He says quietly like he's ashamed of caring for someone. Luke is a very attractive guy, he could probably get any girl he wanted so who's the girl that chose someone over him?

"Did she say why she kissed you? Why did she need that favor?" I ask, a million more questions running through my mind, but I choose to wait until he's answered these before I ask more.

"I forgot how curious you are." He says chuckling a bit before continuing, "She didn't really elaborate why she needed me to kiss her. Granted, after it had happened and I was a dick she ran off somewhere. But beforehand I had just assumed she wanted to make someone jealous, but if my girl kissed another dude I would be pissed at her and the other guy." He tells me, shaking his head. It's now that I realize his hair isn't styled the way it normally is, instead it's messy and has no gel in it.

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