Chapter 11

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I felt weak yet so happy. Andrew's arms were around my waist as he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I finally felt peace ever since my mum died, like I could do anything and live through anything.

When we finally pulled away, we looked into each other's gleaming eyes with smiles on our face. I'd been best friends with this guy for six years and now...well...we kissed.

"I've been wanting to do that for so long, you don't understand." He said breathlessly.

"I think I understand." I replied giving him a peck on the lips.

It's true. I was never exactly sure of how I felt about him, but now thinking about it, I could see I actually did feel something for him, I just kept on denying it instead of letting my feelings out.

"Where did you learn to kiss like that?" Andrew asked with a great big smile.

"I've had practice." I answered, our arms still wrapped around each other.

"With what? Your pillow?" He replied.

I smacked him on the shoulder with a chuckle. "No. Actually, that's what Cole was for."

"Ohh!" He grinned while I laughed. "Don't even say that guy's name." He laughed too.

I moved my head closer to his and put my lips to the side of his head.

"Cole." I softly whispered into his ear.

Then I let go and ran away laughing.

"Come back!" He shouted while he chased me around his house.

I ran up the stairs but slipped on the carpet and ended up belly flopping on the stairs. Andrew appeared and stared down at me. I turned around to lay on my back.

"Hiii." I said sweetly looking up at him.

"Do you need to get up?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes please." And I put my hand up.

But instead of helping me up, he grabbed me and put me over his shoulder.

I screamed as he laughed and took me to the living room. He threw me down on the sofa and stood waiting for me to sit up.

I knew what he was going to do next.

"No. No!" I shouted in between laughs.

"I'm sorry, but you must accept the consequences." He put his arms out and put them on my neck.

Then he started tickling me. On my neck and under my arms.

I am extremely ticklish.

I shouted for him to stop but could barely breath with all the laughter.

I haven't laughed this much in ages.

I walked through a dark corridor. There was no light nor doors, but I kept on going forward, until a red door appeared out of nowhere. I opened the door and entered. I was inside a room as dark as the corridor. All I could see was darkness. Then the darkness turned into a night sky and a familiar road. I used to pass this road when I was younger. When my dad was still alive. Out of the distance, a car came driving. In the distance if the opposite side, there was a big truck driving faster than it should have been. When the car and the truck were close, the truck swerved into the opposite side's lane, hitting the car right from the front. The car ended up completely wrecked. The impact was hard enough to kill someone.

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