I wait. And wait.
For it to come into view
And by it I mean my dreams
How I wish they'd come true
But no, not now
Or ever it seems
My dreams of some type of sanity
At least a tiny speck I'd like to redeem
Not now, not never
It seems that I'm stuck
No place to move on
Seems that I'm out of luck
Something that many are born with
But I'm not that lucky
Oh how I wish
Wishing I do
Upon that shooting star
But just like my dreams
It is just too far
But now I see
What it really means
To have something
That is not yours to redeem
Right now
That thing for me
Just so happens
To be my sanity
Color of my Thoughts
RandomAll thoughts have a color. Be it green, for envy. Read, for anger. Purple, for lust. Pink, for love. You get the point. Well here, are the colors of my thoughts. This will basically be my mini online diary. Please give me no sympathy, hate, or any o...