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I try to see what isn't there
And hear what hasn't been said
In hopes for something that can make me happy
But I'm left with disappointment instead

Nothing in this world can be as good as it seems
Because all the bad just happens to cancel
So why even try to look for it
We'll only find distress like a damsel

Sad but true
We are all damsels in distress
Begging for help because we can't do it
And its not because of the dress

We try to dress ourselves as something we are not
True though I hate for it to be said
We say we hate fake people they have twisted minds
I guess that's what goes through our hypocritical heads

Though you can't see it
I can finally see it there
Hang you up and restricting your throat
You just can't seem to get enough air

You are all blind
To what I've finally came to see
It took along time but I see it now
And it all puzzles me

So I'll end it here because I can't magically give you sight
Eli Wiesel said it best to Oprah
"try to see what isn't there and hear what hasn't been said"
But you've got to try with all your might for the visions and voices to get to your head

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