2. Alpha... Azzhole?

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Being carried through the woods made me feel like the Queen of England, that is, until the creature holding onto me forgot that he was transporting precious cargo and "accidentally" rammed my head into a tree. I thanked God for the heavy drugs in my system, and I vowed that I would murder frog-prince when my system was back in control.

I glanced in my brother's direction to see how he was holding up only to find him completely knocked out. Dax could never defeat the powers of tranquilizers because he gave in too easily. Me, I make the tranquilizers tremble when it enters my system, for it is not allowed to take over my control. Well, my mental control, my body on the other hand, is useless at the moment. I felt the air around me turn almost tense as if we were nearing a graveyard.

"Men, we're almost to the main house," sighed beta boy, "Let me talk to him before any of you. I don't want anyone upsetting anyone, am I clear?" Goll-LEE I spoke too soon.

I was surprised at the cool, cold tone he used. Usually, alphas and betas play good-cop/bad-cop roles where the beta takes on the role of good-cop to calm the pack down. Alphas just don't give a shit. I growl internally upon the memory of my previous "alpha" who was indeed a dick. My memory, however, is cut short when the doofus carrying me comes to a halt behind the other men. My eyes try to focus on the blurry heap of an image before me, kind of in the shape of a house. No, scratch that. A mansion. A freaking mansion. When the blur left my eyes, I stared at the exterior of the house. Standing a good mile high, the house stared down at me like a cop interrogating a guilty murderer. Vines covered parts of the home and the wind seemed to increase as we neared the entrance. A deep, dark color of black stretched over the entire house as if it were a suffocating shadow, and when I looked closer at the design I saw that the house was indeed made from stone.

I let out a small giggle upon realizing this, knowing that they must have painted the stones darker or stole them from the devil's seashore. The man carrying me whose name I have already forgotten flicks his gaze down to mine with a questioning look. I laugh again.

"Does your demon house represent it's ownerrrr..?" I slur out, giggling after I finish.

I watch as the man carrying Dax releases a small laugh, immediately earning him multiple glares and a slap across his head from the beta. "Hey, Ow you witless fool! Watch the hair, I'm meeting Amy tonight," he growls out, tightening his hold on my brother. I let out a small bark at the man, warning him about his grip on my family member, but the sound only resembles a small whimper of a Chihuahua.

"You all stay here, I am going to go alert Vin- I mean Alpha," beta boy corrects quickly, "keep your eyes on the girl, she seems like an annoying one, but also smart." The men all nod and watch him leave in a hurry. I scoff quietly, I am NOT annoying, or smart. How dare the bitch!? Rolling my eyes tiredly, I pause mid roll when I glance up to a window high up in the house. Two dark eyes stare down like a mastermind in control over his world, burning into my skull. All I can make out are the eyes that hold a sense of cold, cruel arrogance and hatred. A shiver travels down my spine, igniting a small fear inside of me. I shove the fear deep down, knowing that fear only gets you killed by those who do not allow it to overpower them. My half-drunken state still allows me to narrow my eyes at the ruthless person above me, sending all my hatred in a glance. Its a true talent, ladies and gents.

The eyes disappeared when the curtains suddenly closed off my view. Beta boy jogged into the entrance of the large house and was gone for a quite a long time. I could sense the men getting anxious, unsure of how their scary leader would react. Maybe he is actually kind and warm, and he may even let us run free from all this misunderstandin-

"WHAT THE FUCK. YOU BROUGHT THEM HERE?!" Roared an angry voice, interrupting my misguided thoughts. I realized that the burst of anger must have come from Alpha Azz....hole. Ha! Quite a nice ring to it, Alpha Azzhole, black wolf with no heart. Smiling at the cleverness that my mind holds gained some attention from some of the guys around me. I gave them a sheepish grin and looked over at my brother who was still knocked out. My anger flared, knowing that these dumbass wolves must have given Dax a double dose of tranquilizers, for he is bigger. I felt my fingers twitch in hatred, wanting to strangle the men surrounding me. Wait... My finger! It twitched, it moved! I can feel! The drugs must have slowed down in my body, allowing me to gain back control. I slowly tried to draw a circle with my left foot, resulting in drawing a square instead but hey, I did it! Making a mental note to high-five myself later, I looked up at my carrier to see him distracted with the commotion inside the Kim K style home. Yes! Thank you luck, I love you.

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