Chapter 7: Goodbye Mother

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Chells gasp echoed in the room. "How can this be? Don't lie to me!"

"I am not lying. Caroline wrote you that song. She is still here, inside of me. She's your mother, Chell. I am your mother."

They both sat in uncomfortable silence for a very long time. No thoughts ran through Chells head. She didn't understand but it made sense. Cara mia, letting her go, and it all happened after she realized she was Caroline. Now what? What could Chell do?

"Chell, I'm sorry. GLaDOS forgot about Caroline and because of that, she almost killed her own daughter. She called her terrible things and she did terrible things to her. I'm sorry about the testing and the lies and the lack of cake."

The lights flickered a few times before turning off. Then red emergency lights turned on. GLaDOS looked around while Chell was frozen in place.

"The back up generators," GLaDOS sighed, "how many do we have? This must be at least the seventh that broke. And yet there's another one keeping everything on. Chell?"

Chell had fallen to her knees in shock. She had a mother all along and it was the human inside of a robot that tried to kill her. What's next? Was Wheatley her father? Please don't let that be true. For gods sake, not Wheatley.

GLaDOS lifted the floor panel Chell was on, up to her eye, "Are you alright?"

"GLaDOS, or Caroline? If you're my mother... who's my father?"

"Cave Johnson. We were together before his death." She put bluntly.

Chell nodded. In all fairness, that did seem obvious now that it was said out-loud. In the tapes at old Aperture, they did seem like they were together.

Chell had no memory of them as humans though. Except when she found that painting of them together while trying to stop Wheatley. She wondered if they were good parents. They seemed like they would have been more focused on their work than her.

"I have a mother," she muttered in disbelief.

"You did." GLaDOS corrected.

"You're still my mother in some way."

An emergency message come on over the sound system, "Emergency Systems Protocol activated. Emergency shut down optional." The rest of the tape cut out.

"Chell I require your assistance."

She said nothing but she could sense that something was wrong.

"Chell," she hesitated, "I want you to shut me down."

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