001: PanDEMONium

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Sometimes I feel like if you just watch things, just sit still and let the world exist in front of you - sometimes I swear that just for a second time freezes and the world pauses in its tilt. Just for a second. And if you somehow found a way to live in that second, then you would live forever."
― Lauren Oliver



Cecily can feel the music.

The pulsing bass mixed with the electronic harmony pulsates through the floor and up her legs. All around her bodies clash and collide, people in dark leather, heavy tattoos, gothic makeup and bright hair, moving to the music. Among them, tucked away at the back of the all-ages-club, are mysterious men in black suits, standing and observing from the shadows. When Cecily brought it up to her boss, Magnus, he simply waved her off and ordered her to let them be. "It won't do, for us to make them angry," he had told her, "And if anyone should deal with them, it would be me and not you."

Sighing, Cecily moves from her spot near the speakers, weaving through sweaty masses of flesh and leather, offering birthday drinks. Her voice is lost in the music and she can feel herself being tossed among the sea of people. Suddenly, the pulsing music isn't as great as she initially thought. A hand reaches out and grabs one of the brightly coloured drinks on her tray.

"This is a very nice job you got here." The tall man says in his deep voice. Cecily looks up at him, craning her neck to see his face. It's useless though, since half of his face is covered with large sunglasses. A flash of neon lights fly through the room and Cecily realizes that this man is one of those suited silent figures. He lifts the egde of the glass to his lips, frowns, then lowers the cup.

"More mundane blood for your master." A smooth, silky voice says. The man returns the cup to Cecily's tray. Twisting her neck, Cecily catches a glimpse of a very beautifal woman. Tall and slender, with pale skin and dark hair, a tight pink and black dress, and a devious smile, the woman causes strange shivers to rake Cecily's tiny form.
The woman has something in her hand, a perfectly round glass vial, that she slips into the man's hand. With a second even more sinister smile, she saunters off, swaying her hips to the music.

The man stores the vial in his pocket before giving what Cecily believes could be a stern glare from behind his glasses, "Listen here. I need something from you, you little---"

"Circle members aren't allowed in my club." And there he is: Magnus Bane. He appears at Cecily's side, his features narrowed and angry. Cecily always thought that he has this unearthly beauty about him, with his golden skin and almond shaped eyes. Even his hair is perfect and flawless, as dark as midnight and as soft as silk. At least, it looks to be that soft. Magnus casts her a sidelong glance, his eyes refelcting off the neon lights, "Now run off Ce-Ce, and make yourself useful." His voice is as tense as a violin string, ready to snap at any moment.

Nodding, Cecily spins on her heels and wades through the oncoming wave of teenagers, trying to make her way to the VIP lounge; the people there are evidentally richer and tend to fancy brightly coloured liquids. From the corner of her eye, she sees the form of a young man, mirroring her actions. He is about a head taller than her, with a head of very blonde hair. His eyes dance with colour, the blood reds, ice blues, poison greens and hot pinks, bouncing off the gold of his irises. His eyes must be very bright, Cecily thinks, for her to be able to see their golden colour from here.
The boy is clad in black leather, not unusual for the Pandemonium Club, but his bare arms are covered in swirling black tattoos.


It's not the first time she's seen those markings on a strange teenager. In fact, the amount of people of have them here is very interesting; maybe it's a new fashion trend. But these people are dangerous. Magnus had told her that they carry weapons to kill and that they're violent and strong.

Her pace quickens and so does his. Quickly, she darts into the VIP lounge, her heart going like a hammer against her ribs. She can slowly feel the tensed muscles in her body relax, and a long breath escapes her lips.

Big mistake.

There is a young woman with caramel skin and curly dark chocolate hair, seductively swaying and twisting her body to the music. All along those arms, her back, and even the part of her stomache that shows from under her tight, white leather crop top, are the same marks that the blonde boy had. There are a few men watching the young woman, their eyes flashing neon blue, dark growls escaping from the back of their throats. The blonde boy bursts into the room and all attention turns to him.

"Isabelle!" He calls to the young woman. At once, she bursts into action. Her silver bracelet extends into a very lethal looking whip, and she lashes out at one of the men, taking his head clear off.

Cecily drops her tray, the harshly coloured drinks crashing to the ground. Her voice is caught in her throat and she finds herself unable to scream.

Another tattooed boy leaps out from the shadows, a quiver of arrows on his back, a bow in his hand. "Jace!" He calls to the blonde boy, and throws a small cylinder object at him. Jace catches it with ease, and that too extends into a very lethal sword. Cecily is surprised to see the devious pink and black clad woman from earlier rushing at Jace, but she is even more surprised when Jace runs her through with the sword. There is screaming, and Cecily can see a red headed girl trying to stop the violence.
There is chaos. Fighting and screaming from that red head.

"Who's your boss?"

Cecily turns and her heart stops.

The unnamed boy is pointing an arrow at her, his bottle blue eyes burning into her hazel ones. His face is set in a scowl, and dark marks can be seen on his neck.

"Who's your boss?" He asks again, more sharply, "You know, dealing mundane blood isn't very legal, demon." He hisses the last word, like it is venom on his lips.

"I...w-what?" Cecily stammers, her blood pounding in her ears. The sound drowns out everything else and she can see the boy's lips move but can hear no words. She shakes her head.
The boy's eyes narrow. His lips move again, but Cecily still has the sound of pumping blood in her ears. Around them, everything is in chaos. The blonde boy---Jace---is keeping very close to the red head, Cecily notices.

"---not listening?" Her hearing turns on, like a radio finally finding signal. With a deep breath, Cecily forces herself to look at the boy's face properly. His features are as sharp as the arrow pointed at her. Their eyes lock and it's as if the rest of the world has melted away.

Cecily was so distracted that she didn't see the arrow until it tore through her chest.



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