Dear School,

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Dear School, 

YOU need to actually do something about bullying not wear a pink shirt to "help stop bullying". Don't hang up posters in the hall's. ITS SIMPLE! When ever you see bullying happening even if your a teacher, principal, or student DO SOMETHING! Help the victim, make sure he/she is alright, you never know what bullying does to people!

Don't teach us stuff we aren't gonna need in life. I mean in History all we learn about is the fucking Old Days. Where is that gonna put us in life? TEACH US SOMETHING WE WILL USE IN LIFE! god dammit

The time! Why does it have to start early? And why does it have to be 7 hours? I mean could you at least start at like 11? and have only like 4 hours of school? 

ugh school is so stressful!


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