Chapter 3 part 2

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Omg Aaron is my new English and maths teacher.

"Savannah are you there?"

" Yeah so-sorry, I'm coming in ill be in for second period." She chuckled.


"Savannah for second period we have English, free period then maths."

"You've got to love my mate." I smiled to myself.

"See you in a sec Savannah."

"See ya."

I hung up, well that solves the problem of missing my mate.

*end of recap*

-Aaron pov-

I knew Savannah would want to go back to school so I made sure I would be there to 'keep an eye on her'.

My uncle just happened to be the English and maths teacher, I told him about my problem and he suddenly decided to take a 4month holiday and put me as the new suply teacher for both his English and maths class that just happen to be Savannah's class's. I love my uncle.

My first class was English. Savannah's class.

I saw Lily Savannah's best friend.


"Its Mr.West in school time."

"Mr west???"

"I'm the new English and maths teacher." She looked shocked.

"Lily? Are you there?" I waved my hand imfront of her.

"Yeah sorry, I better go and phone Savannah."

"Ok ill see you in English."

"Ok bye Aar-Mr West."

"Bye Miss James."

If that was Lily's reaction I can't wait to see Savannah's.

Conner's voice came into my head. He wad mind linking me.

'Aaron, Aaron?'

'Alpha what is it?'

'Rouge's have entered our borders.'

'OH crap! What do you want me to do Alpha?'

'Stay were you are, if you pick up a sent follow it, keep my sister safe Aaron.'

'You can count on me alpha.'

-Savannah's pov-

I turned up to school in my new car. Everyone was looking at me, oh yeah.

I walked into school swaying my hips, receiving a few wolf whistles.

'Wow baby, you look good today.'

I looked up to see Aaron standing by the window, watching me.

I walked into school egnoring the stares. I found Aaron's classroom and walked in. He was sitting behind his desk, looking sexy as hello.

'So the rumours are true you are the new hot teacher in school'

'You better believe it baby.'

Then the bell rang....from now on I hate that bell.

'Catch you later sir.' I gave him a wink and went to find Lily

I met lily in the lunch hall. West-night school was a mix of were wolves and humans there was only one pack, our pack the Blue moon pack. There were 98 of 250 in our pack at this school. Everyone in our pack new that I was Aaron's mate, exept the humans who had no idea of our existence.

"Hey Savannah!"

"Hey Lily, hi kerrie, hi max, hi layla, hi liam." That was my friendship group.

Me, Lily, and layla were werewolves the rest were human.

"Hi Savannah, were have you been?" Max asked, I shot layla and Lily a look.

"Oh you know skiving."

The convosation was quickly dropped, that I was grateful for.

"So Savannah did you see the new hot English and maths teacher? I would take him anyday!" Kerrie went on a long rant about how hot he is wile max and liam argued about how teenage girls fall for the wrong men.

"Savannah calm down." Layla tried to calm me down. I was gripping the table so hard it was going to snap.

I couldn't stand other girls talking about my mate like that, how dare they!

"Savannah let go of the table, breath."


Everone looked at me the table had a massive crack in it, I looked around Everone was staring at me.

So I did the only thing I could think of, I ran. Right out of the hall and headed strait to the girls toilet.


I hit something hard it, for a second electrick shocks went through my body just like when I had touched Aaron.

Then I was falling, I closed my eyes ready to hit the ground. But it never came, instead warm hands wound them self around my waist, electrick shocks went through my body.

I looked up, expecting to see Aaron but I was greeted by amasing blue eyes, I could stare in them all day.

This guy was beautiful he had blonde hair that fell into his stunning blue eyes, I couldn't see his body but I new it would be just as devine as his face.

"mate" He growled.


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