Chapter 23

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He smiled at me, not the nice and friendly smile, but the evil, devious kind.

"Im going to make you pay, make you pay for killing our pack, for killing my mother!"

"I have no idea what your talking about!"

"First im going to kill your mates infont of you slowly! Then i will totrtue you until you feel so broken so dead you had wished you were never born! You will pay, you will suffer. And no one can protect you!"

Then everything went black.

*End of recap*

-Savannah's pov-

God my head was saw. I can't remember a time when it wasn't saw.

A cold breeze wiped my skin, making me shake uncontrollable.

"Were am I?" My voice was shaky, surprising even me.

I sat up and looked around straining my head so I could get a good view.

Wooden boards surrounded me. I was in a plain box room. A door on one of the walls, the door wasn't shut probably letting the cold winters air in the plain room.

The room was surprisingly clean. Not a cobweb in sight.

"Strange." I stood up, allowing my self to stretch.

"What now?" I asked myself. I walked slowly to the door expecting for the floor boards to creek, but they didn't.

The door handle was gold, shiny, and perfectly smooth.

I pulled the handle towards me, but it wouldn't budge. I pulled it a little harder but no.

"Ok door, you wanna play hard, lets play hard. I went to roll my sleeves up, but realised I was still wearing my dress. Great.

I placed my small hands over the handle. I leaned into the door. Gripped the handle harder. Then flung my self backwards.

I felt my back hit the ground.

"Ow!" I sat up and saw the door still perfectly in place.

"Aaaaaaa!" I shot my foot out, connecting it with the smooth wooden door.

Just as I did it. A white piece of paper flew out and landed beside me. Then the door slowly opened.

"Kill me now!" I grabbed the piece of paper an unfolded it.

It read - Dear Mis Gold, it came to my attention that you may not remember what glorious event occurred yesterday evening. Well I hope this jogs your memory-

I read the letter, going over every word twice.

Then I remembered.

I remembered what had happened the night before.

I sank to the ground. The pain I had been holding in for almost a week just came poring out.

The joy of finding my mate. The betrayal of James. The weight of pressure on me finding out I was the lupa Di bella. Thinking that I was going to loose my mate. Knowing that it was my other mate that put me in that position. Meeting my true mother....wait today is the 6th day.

Isn't the 6th day the day I am spose to find out my true destiny?


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