The Corner

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Bart and Milagro were walking down the block. Milagro was holding bart hand while walking on the side balancing her walk. Bart chuckle and watch her making sure she didn't fall.

They turn to a corner and Milagro saw five Hispanic boys on their bikes looking at Milagro and bart all nasty.

"Hey isn't that the one that hang out with jaime alot. " one of the boys said.

"Ya. He alway clings on jaime. I bet he gay. " one them said with disguised.

Milagro smiled when bart caught her when she trip and smiled at him.

"Thanks bart. Hey how come you and Jaime aren't going out? You'll be a awesome boyfriend for jaime! " Milagro smiled and look at bart.

Bart chuckle while blushing and look away.

"If only you know Milagro hehee also ja- " bart look up when he saw the Hispanic boys going to them.

"Proably que no está interesado. " the Hispanic boy said while riding his bike around bart and Milagro.

Bart pulled Milagro close to him glare at the boys who rode around them. Milagro growled when she heard the boy said that jaime wasn't interested in bart.

"Cómo sabrías. " Milagro growled out.

"Because he is into Perra like him. " one of the boy laugh and look at bart.

Milagro threw a rock at the guy that said that making it hit him in the forehead. He growled and look at Milagro.

"Usted pequeño pedazo de mierda. Get her!! " the guy said.

Bart grab Milagro and ran not using his powers. Milagro held on bart tightly watching the boys following them on their bikes.

"Bart! Their catching up!! " Milagro said looking scared.

Bart jumps over a fences look around seeing a big tree. Bart ran there and push Milagro to the tree telling her to climb up.

"Stay up there Milagro. " bart said while turning around just to get punch in the stomach.

"Where the brat!! Perra!! " the guy said while looking around.

Milagro cover her mouth when they kick bart to the floor.

"She ran away from you moded person. No wonder you don't have girlfriends. " bart spit out and smirk at them.

"You little shit. " the guys kick bart stomach making bart gasp in pain.

They saw a car driving and took off leaving bart and Milagro.

"B-Bart...b-bart. " Milagro cried out while climbing down the tree.

Bart groan and stood up shakey. He never been beat up like that by a regular person but by blue beetle his future blue beetle.

"I-I'm fine. " bart cough while spitting blood out.

Milagro cried remembering how they beat up bart and how she cause it.

"I-I'm s-sorry. I-I'm*sniff* s-sorry. " Milagro keep saying over and over wiping her tears.

Bart smiled sadly and pulled Milagro in a hug making sure no blood was on her.

"Hey hey it's okay. I been through wrost. Come on let get you back home. " bart smiled and held on Milagro who was hugging him while walking.

They finally made to the house but bart fell to his knees. Milagro gasp and went to bart. Bart was shaking not fully heal but he already knew why.

"I-I'll get j-jaime! " Milagro ran inside leaving bart.

Milagro ran upstairs and burst open jaime door. Jaime look up and scowl at Milagro.

"Milagro what did I- what happen why are you crying?? " jaime ran to his sister checking on her to see blood on her left cheek.

"Are you bleeding. " jaime looked at Milagro who shook her head and pulled jaime hand.

"I-it bart!! " Milagro cried out.

Jaime eyes went wide and ran out of room and straight down stairs. When he look around he saw the front door open with bart on the floor.

"BART!! " Jaime ran to bart and went down next to him.

Jaime put his hand on bart but pull back when he felt bart shaking badly. Jaime looked at bart eyes and saw only emptiness. Jaime pulled bart in his arms and got up taking bart inside.

"Milagro close the door!! " jaime yelled while Milagro listen and did what she was told.

Jaime took bart in his bathroom and put the toilet lid down and put bart down. Jaime look at bart concerned. Jaime sigh and clean bart up wiping the dry blood off and changing his clothes. Milagro sadly watch blaming herself for getting bart like this.

"J-jaime.. " bart whisper looking up and seeing jaime smile.

"Ya caŕino it's me. " jaime smiled and pulled bart in a hug.

Bart shiver and close his eyes hugging jaime back. Jaime smiled and look at Milagro who look away sad.

"Milagro are you okay " bart ask while letting go of jaime and going to Milagro with jaimr help.

Milagro sniff and hug bart who gasp but hug back.

"I'm sorry bart. It my fault your got like this. " Milagro said while holding on bart.

Bart smiled and kiss Milagro head.

"Hey it's wasn't your fault Milagro. I made a choice and I choose to protect you from these boys. All that matter is that your not hurt. " bart said while looking at Milagro face Milagro nodded her head with tears still going down.

Jaime look at bart and knew what he was talking about and stood up. Bart look up at jaime and watch him leave.

"Jaime where you going!? " bart ask while standing up and using the door for help.

"Somewhere. Stay with Milagro okay. " jaime said going outside and letting his armor cover him and went looking for those Hispanic boys.

"Uhh okay...Milagro help me get to jaime bed please. " bart look at Milagro who shook her head and helped bart to jaime bed.

"Where did jaime go bart. " Milagro ask when she helped bart to the bed.

Bart sat on the bed and look at the window and sigh.

"I really don't know. But I prefer not to know. " bart said smiling at milago who smile back.

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