Grandma Awesome

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It been weeks and bart haven't seen jaime because someone (wally) had told his grandpa barry that him and jaime are going out and that has barry on the red flag. So when bart goes out wally or him go with him making sure that bart doesn't go to jaime house. Sometime bart would try dashing away or sneaking but barry always get him and drags him back to their house. Bart can also tell that jaime is getting mad too cause he calls to check on bart. At least they can talk to each other on the phone but not see each other.

"Ughhh this is sooo not crash grandpa. "

Barry look at bart who was criss cross with his hands crossed over at his chest.

"Cause I don't want you near to Hispanic boy. "

"Ughhh grandpa but- "

"No but bart and that that."

Bart goan and watch his grandpa make some food for him and himself. Bart miss jaime so much. He miss seeing jaime face, his hugs, touches and mostly his kisses. It been week since they haven't kiss and bart could tell it's been driving jaime nuts (mostly the scarab).

"Barry honey, I'm home. "

Bart saw his grandma iris come inside and she saw bart on the floor.

"Oh hey iris. "

Barry went next to her and kiss her making her smile. Bart goan when he saw that putting a pillow on his face. Iris notice and thought to herself.

"What you making dear. "

"Some sandwich for me and bart. Want one? "

Iris smiled and nodded kissing her husband on the check.

"Thank you. Hey bart can you help me with these paper of my dear. "

"YESS!! "

Barry gave bart the look that say "run and I'll catch you" bart rolled his eyes and dash to his grandma who was at top of the stair. When she close the door she turn to look at bart.

"Care to explain what happening that I don't know. "

"Okay. You remember my crush on jaime. "

"Oh bart, did he regret you. "

Bart laugh and shook his head.

"No actually were together. He had the same feeling for me too grandma. "

Iris smiled and hugged bart while saying that she was right. When she pulled back she look at bart smiling.

"Then why aren't you with him dear. I regular see you with him 24/7. "

"Well that the problem. Wally found out about me and him. Then he went to tell barry about us and now I'm on boyfriend and house arrest. "

Bart sigh while looking down at his hands. Iris didn't like seeing someone being separated from their love mostly bart and she going to help him.

"Sweetheart I'm going to help you and were going to need a plan for it to work. "

Bart smiled and nodded his head. He hug his grandma smiling that she was his grandma.

"Your soo awesome grandma! "

"Hehee I know sweetheart. I know. "

Bart and Iris went down stair and saw barry and wally talking to each other. They saw bart and iris coming downstairs and barry got the sandwiches he made. Iris thanks him while handling bart his.

"Okay barry, me and bart are going to make some drinks. "

Barry nodded while wally turn on the T.V.

Once they went in the kitchen they got the ingredients out to make strawberry milkshake. When they were doing the drinks iris bought out the sleepy drug crushing them and putting them in the two drinks that she was going to carry to wally and barry. Bart chuckle quietly and nodded his head at his grandma who wink at him.

"Here you go my love. And one for you wally. "

Wally got his smiling and barry smiled too. Bart gave iris her drink while bart drink his hidding the smirk on his face. It took about 20 minutes for the pills to work and iris saw wally and barry yawning alot.

"Man for some reason I'm tired. "

Wally yawn and look at barry who yawn too. Iris put her hands on barry shoulders and start rubbing them.

"Barry why don't you two take a rest. You guys been working hard. "

Barry yawn but nodded while wally eyes were closing but shot open when he remember about bart.

"Well barry need sleep but I don't. "

Bart frown but look at iris who wore a face that say " be patient." Barry nodded and went upstairs to go take a nape. Once barry was down the only one was wally. Iris nodded her head at bart and who started walking to the basement.

"Bart honey where you going? "

"The basement. "

"Okay just don't open the window okay. I don't want the bats going inside the basement. "

Wally shot up and ran after bart when he heard the basement door close he open it but was soon push down stair. Wally shook his head and look up to see iris and bart closing the door shut.

"NOOO!! " *SLAM*

Bart and Iris laugh while they did a high five. Bart hug his grandma while smiling brightly.

"Your soo crash grandma!! "

Iris laugh and hugged bart back.

"Wally won't be able to vibrate cause the sleeping drug made him weak and mostly tired so he be sleeping rock cold. "

Bart smiled and ran to the door. Iris grab his shoulder before he ran.

"Let me drive you there instead dear. "

It was still morning when bart look outside. Bart smiled and nodded his head already excited to see his hispanic boyfriend.

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