✦ two: explanations and rules ✦

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To say Ambrosia was impressed by their "help" would be the complete opposite. Theo had specifically instructed her to not talk to anyone throughout the day and was to stay in the library until lunch, where he and his friends would find her. At first, she thought the library would be an outstanding option to stay in because she loved learning. But when it got to the point, she found that the books stored in this library were difficult for her to read. So, she sat alone at a table for a full three hours.

One of the boys, Theo's friend, had raced into the library, orders from Theo to quickly make it there to see if she was still present. Ambrosia remembered his name off the bat, Josh. Josh had nice brown locks of curly hair, much like her own and wasn't too shabby on the eyes. He just looked exhausted. He took a seat farthest from her, mumbling a rubbish greeting.

"Hi Josh, how were your first two period classes?" Ambrosia spoke happily, it was like she hadn't been dropped off by her old friends and family on a foreign country.

"Fine." was all Josh said. Though that could be a mood-dropper for some, Ambrosia still radiated passion. It was in her personality, she never seemed had an upset bone in her body.

"Hey Amber," Hayden greeted with a smile, two lunch trays in her hand. "You don't mind if I call you that, do you?" she asked, sliding one of the trays towards the tired boy across the table, settling her things right beside Ambrosia. Ambrosia had recognized that Hayden was the one who'd asked if she was okay earlier. Ambrosia could feel the love radiating off of her. Hayden loved someone.

"Losers," Tracy spoke, tilting her head at those sitting. "Ambrosia." Tracy didn't have a lunch tray, she just had two bottles of Naked juice, both of them pink. She handed it to the new girl, figuring she probably wouldn't have a lunch.

Ambrosia could feel eyes on her. With squinted eyes, she turned her head to another table. A group of people were looking at her, she could see their auras, especially the one with the fox outline. They were whispering about her to one another, probably not caring that she was looking at them.

"That has to be a new Chimera, there is no way Theo would let a human into his pack."

"But she smells different, right Scott? She doesn't wreak of mercury and she does have a supernatural scent."

"Ambrosia," her eavesdropping session was interrupted by Theo, grabbing her attention. She just could shake her mind off of the fact that they were talking about her, why were they talking about her? What could she possibly smell like that was so strong that they could smell it? What did mercury smell like? "Can you tell us what you can remember?" she had noticed everyone at the table looking at her with expecting eyes.

"Well, I know my mother sent me here to protect me. A war had broken out in Greece and she didn't want me to be harmed by mortals..." she informed them. Ambrosia sounded like she'd been washed up from some Greek mythology book. But the way she sounded so lost, it made them believe there was more to it.

"Your mom sent you here... From Greece... And you don't even remember?" Tracy questioned with her head tilted. If anything, Tracy was the only one who thought this girl was bullshitting them. There was no way this girl could have forgotten getting on a plane for 20 hours and walking herself into this school, but she remembered her own name.

"Yes, my mother possesses such power. She's got friends who specialize in transportation and I guess she had Nephele fly me here while I was asleep." she told them. Seemed like an ordinary girl, right?

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