✦ four: freak of nature ✦

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"So what classes are you interested in?" the secretary for the counseling's office asked as she tried to help fill out her enrollment application. Ambrosia really didn't know what she was interested in. She just kept her head down, hoping the lady would stop talking to her, which had solved most of her problems. "Um, ma'am?" she said more sternly.

"Rosie, are you okay?" Tracy had asked, rubbing the girl's back. Tracy wasn't normally like this, it was just for show. But she really did like Ambrosia. "You look like you're gonna have an anxiety attack." Tracy, Theo, Josh, and probably every other supernatural creature in the building could smell her anxiety rolling off in waves. Jeez, this girl was probably gonna have a hard time dealing with school.

Rosie (Ambrosia) flinched a bit, taking in short breaths. She felt like she was going to explode. She quickly turned on her heel, walking out of the room. The goddess actually walked out of the building and straight out the doors. The feeling of suffocation soon left as the ringing of nature called out to her.

Theo had apologized to the lady while Tracy went out and searched for the girl. It wasn't hard, she just had to follow the smell of grace and beauty. But it was clear Rosie wasn't alone because she was talking.

"I don't know what happened, I sort of just lost it back there." Rosie explained, a frown permanently placed on her lips. "I don't normally feel that way, but then again apparently a goddess away from her throne isn't normal either." she slumped her shoulders with a sigh. "I don't belong here. I wanna go home."

Tracy peeked over the corner of the building. She saw Ambrosia leaned against Theo's truck with a bird perched on her finger. They looked like they were communicating, who else would Ambrosia be talking to? The bird tilted its head while chirping and Ambrosia was nodding her head understandingly.

"I get that these people are willing to help me, yeah, but I don't even know anything about these people and it makes me so strange. They're trying to get me to go so school and I feel so uncomfortable when I'm not in a room with at least one of them, that's weird right?"

Tracy had felt like she'd officially lost her mind. Ambrosia was talking to a bird- what in the world, there shouldn't even be a reason why as to why that was insane. Tracy stepped into eye's view, causing the bird to flutter away, chirping a farewell to Ambrosia. Tracy pretended like she didn't notice the bird and settle herself next to the girl against Theo's truck.

"Ambrosia, you can't just walk away like that," Tracy scolded the clueless wonder. Ambrosia frowned, letting her shoulders sag into a slump where she made it clear, she too was disappointed in herself. Feeling pity for the girl, Tracy loosened up with a sigh. "No, Rosie, I didn't mean it like that. We just... don't want to lose you or risk you getting hurt, alright? We're your friends now."

"But I'm different, I feel like an outcast and," Ambrosia's bottom lip trembled, quivering as she pouted. "I just wanna go home."

"Rosie, hey, look at me." Tracy stared at Ambrosia wanting to pull the girl in her arms for a hug. Ambrosia was homesick and things were going to be difficult for her to adapt to in Beacon Hills if she wasn't going to try. "We're different too. You're not as different as you think you are, because here in Beacon Hills... You fit in. Everyone's so diverse that we fit in. And I bet if you give it some effort, you could find yourself a spot here and we can help you find your way home."

Ambrosia listened, nodding her head, silently telling Tracy that she was understanding. With people like Tracy, Ambrosia felt like she was going to warm up to Beacon Hills in no time.

But she didn't want to count on it.

[ - ]

"Rosie," Tracy began as everyone stood in a circle. "Theo managed to convince the counselors to put you in classes that have us in it. He said something about separation anxiety and the lady was quick to stick you in classes, however, depending on what you know, the classes may range in different areas since we're aren't in the same grades. We told them you were a Junior so you'll most likely have a lot of classes with Josh, otherwise it's with all of us or a few of us."

"And, what are we gonna do about the McCall pack situation? They're most likely gonna encounter and interrogate her, god Stiles isn't one to hold back from something like that." Josh questioned, causing the rest of his friends to look at him. He had a great point. It wasn't like either one of them could follow her like a puppy forever. What if it came down to him waiting outside of the girl's bathroom for her, making sure Lydia or Malia didn't disturb her?

"Then it happens. It's not like we're trying to keep her a secret." Theo answered Josh's question, leaving the boy unsatisfied.

"And what about where she stays? Have we figured out where she sleeps?" Hayden piped in. She was actually looking forward to becoming friends with Rosie and talking to her about boys and crushes, assuming this girl was straight. Ambrosia couldn't exactly stay with Hayden, Liam would constantly be over and her older sister would probably question the girl, which definitely would be a problem if Deputy Clark decided to look her up on the Sheriff's computer.

"Already got that covered, she seems comfortable with Tracy so she'll stay at her house."

"That doesn't make sense, Tracy stays with you all the time," Corey counteracted, holding his finger up in accusation. "She can stay at my place, my parents won't even notice." then came the topic of Mason, whom was in the McCall pack, and they began bickering while Ambrosia stood awkwardly, arms folded while looking at the ground. Ambrosia softly gasped, quiet enough that she didn't disturb the very heated discussion.

She looked to her left and saw Josh rolling his eyes at Tracy as she said some snide comment about him always bringing girls home and making everyone uncomfortable. Ambrosia lightly tugged at the bottom of Josh's sleeve, causing him to slightly turn his head at her. She pointed her finger at her feet, showing her shoes were untied and they needed to be tightened again. Josh was willing to tie her shoes if it meant having to stop listening to Tracy for a few seconds, so he knelt down in front of Rosie.

The pack began to quiet down, peering at Josh. Hayden had to step on her toes to see what had happening and they watched intently as Josh quickly looped her shoelaces together. Josh stood back up, noticing everyone had shut up and were now staring at him.

"What?" he snapped, feeling a bit annoyed that they were all looking at him, when just a few moments ago, no one even bothered to ask him about his own opinion. The lights flickered, which was normal for them anytime Josh was irritated (which was 87 percent of the time) but Ambrosia twitched in her spot, staring at the ceiling in fascination.

Neither of them said anything, they just stared at him and Ambrosia.

"If we're done discussing this, can I just take Ambrosia home then?" Corey chimed in the awkward silence.


tracy x ambrosia = brotp

lol, this gif above is me because of 05x19 LIKE LMAOOO WHY U GOTTA- bye. i'm- no. this is certainly a problem i cannot drive away from. i'm mourning no one talk to me i'm crying sTOP.

much love(not to jeff davis/writers),

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