✦ six: talebearer ✦

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Ambrosia managed to sneak away without a problem, in fact, she was surprised that everyone had gotten distracted so easily. She left her shoes at the bleachers, dying to feel the earth upon her feet. First, the grass was soft in between her toes, and then she was met with the rough feeling of dried leaves. She was wandering through the woods, probably a stupid mistake, but what's there to be worried about if she has nature on her side?

While Corey frantically looked around, he caught Hayden's attention. Then, she noticed Rosie was nowhere to be seen. Growling under her breath, she quickly approached him.

"Where is she?" She hissed with narrow eyes.

"I- I don't know!" Corey exclaimed with his arms up in the air. Then he began to run his fingers through his hair. "I swear, I took my eyes off of her for two seconds!"

"Um, guys?" Brett shouted over to the chimeras. When the two turned back, he was waving around Ambrosia's Nike shoes. He walked over to the worried teens with a small smile on his face. "I don't know about you, but I can definitely catch a scent off of these." And he was correct. Ambrosia's lovely scent was all over her shoes, minus the smell of new shoes, and soon their worry vanquished.

Ambrosia had wandered far from the school, but she wore a happy grin on her face as a few blue birds circled her, greeting her with a song. She held out her arms and they flew to it, resting on her skin. The birds chirped a 'thank you' for letting them rest their wings for a bit.

"You're always welcome!" Ambrosia beamed happily. She was always happy when it came to animals, they were her comfort zone. Ambrosia grew up in the woods and to be pulled out to live with humans? That was rude and pointless to her. Although Beacon Hills, California didn't have nymphs or centaurs, Ambrosia was happy with what she could get.

"You should be wary when wandering in these woods, Miss." One of the birds had told her. When her eyebrows furrowed, they began again. "There's been a series of animal attacks these past few weeks. You surely wouldn't want to get hurt, would you?"

"I've heard something about that, yes. Animal attacks by something not completely animal- what does that mean?"

The birds chirped frantically, speaking over one another, not exactly explaining it clearly, what was to be the murderous creature. Her head moved back and forth simultaneously as she tried to keep up with the conversation, but between all the conflicts and yelling, it was quite hard.

"Rosie?" A voice called causing the the birds to screech a farewell as they flew away. "Rosie!" Corey yelled running over to the girl as she rubbed her arms. Brett, Mason, Liam, and Hayden followed closely behind. "What were you thinking? Why did you leave?" A million questions spilled from Corey's mouth and the girl found herself feeling uncomfortable. Her mental stability must have flown away with the birds because she suddenly felt really sad because he was yelling at her. She never had to deal with this problem when she was a goddess, she still was, but here it meant nothing.

"I'm sorry." Ambrosia sighed with her arms folded. "I was being selfish, not thinking that I'd affect you in ways that may get you in trouble, but to be fair I felt neglected so I came where I could no longer be neglected."

"No longer neglected? By who?" Hayden asked with her eyebrows furrowed. As far as she knew, there was no one around and this was the part of the woods no one really came to, unless it was during a party.

"By whom," Ambrosia corrected, clearing her throat as she walked passed them, giving Liam a side glare. Tracy definitely had time to tell her why she was to stay away from Scott McCall's pack members and she didn't leave out any details either. "And by nature. Nature is the only place I can count on to not leave me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have school to get to." She continued walking bare foot in the opposite direction. Ambrosia failed to recapture her shoes that were held in between Brett's fingers.

The five remaining teenagers sulked, following Ambrosia as she muttered to herself.

It appeared that they had made it back just in time for the ten-minute bell to ring, signaling all students in PE to retreat back to the locker room to get dressed in their normal clothes. Since Ambrosia didn't have PE clothes and she remained in her clothes she'd picked out earlier that morning, she sat herself on the bleachers, waiting for the rest to catch up to her.

Hayden told Ambrosia that she'd be back after she changed and to stay with Brett, Brett whom dropped her shoes beside her was happy to take watch for a few minutes. Ambrosia brushed the bottom of her feet off, pulling her socks on before stuffing her feet in her shoes. She tucked the laces in the shoe, figuring it should be good like that for a while. Next was lunch anyway, so it wasn't like she'd be moving around.

"I have a question," Ambrosia spoke up, earning a look from Brett. The girl brushed her hair back, turning her head towards Brett. "What's this I hear about animal attacks? You've been here longer than I have so I assume you've heard about it."

"Ah," Brett chuckled a bit. "Animal attacks? And who told you about those?"

Ambrosia shrugged it off like it was nothing. "I just keep hearing about it."

"Mountain lion, probably." Brett told her. If she wanted to know more, she could learn about it from her pack. But Brett just wanted to play it safe. "But don't worry. You're friends with really secure people, you should be safe."

But she wasn't worried about being attacked at all. She was worried about the animal. If there was one thing she'd learned from her great friend, Artemis, it was that animals never hunted without reason. And while this was not-completely-animal, she knew she could most likely tame it before animal hunters could get to it.

27 may, 2018 — unedited

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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