One; They Meet

770 66 11

Jason's POV

"Mr. McCann, did you want me to file the tax forms now?" My assistant, Louis, asked, his eyes scanning through the paper work on his desk a few meters away from my larger oak one.

I stared at him as I leant back in my seat, a lazy smile reaching my lips, "Did you hear they're offering a great deal for the black roses for my award ceremony?"

Louis pursed his lips, "Sir, please don't avoid taxes. I understand you are under a lot of stress, so I went to the extremes of filling out the paperwork for you, all you have to do is sign the bottom." He whined, unamused by my lack of wanting to do my taxes.

I knew they had to be done, but it didn't stop the amount of annoyance it brought me to even think or worry about it.

I rose a brow, "You really do go above and beyond for me, don't you?" I asked, standing from my desk with a sigh.

"Yes, now sign them. You've got a meeting with Mr. Bieber in thirty minutes." Louis pushed the papers to the edge of the desk, a pen sitting on top neatly.

I groaned, "How many pages must I sign?"

"Only four, and your initials on six." Louis hummed, bringing out his tablet to check off his to-do list.

I went through each page, unmotivated as I placed my signature on the bottom, and my initials, as well as reading through the fine print. I know not to sign anything without reading it all.

"Mrs. McCann called earlier," Louis began again, and I nodded in acknowledgement, "She has an important job in Paris to do, so she's flying out tonight. Jaxon is with the nanny."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the lack of communication I have with my own wife, but it has come to this in the past few years; I just had to deal with it.

I wasn't too keen on the meeting with Alex, my manager/agent, either. The man was great, he landed me jobs in the entertainment industry whenever I wanted them, so he did his job right.

But, I wasn't really in the mood to sit and hear about great opportunities and whatnot. I wanted to get home earlier and be with Jaxon.

I hated leaving him with the nanny, not that I didn't trust her, I just didn't want Jaxon being one of those children who see their nanny more than their parent.

"Mr. Bieber is here, sir." Louis told me once I finished the tax forms, handing him the paperwork.

"Tell the receptionist to send him in." I nodded, walking over to my desk and taking a seat.

It wasn't long before Alex made his way into my office, followed by some younger boy.

I had no idea who he brought along with him, but I politely said hello, watching as Louis left to give us privacy.

I eyed the strange boy as Alex took a random seat on the couch, "So, what great job opportunity do you have to offer today?" I hummed.

The boy glanced around the room curiously, his mouth tightly shut while he stood their patiently.

"Actually, I'm going out of town for three weeks, just wanted to let you know." Alex shrugged, smiling, "Oh, and that's my son, Justin." he pointed to the boy.

Justin simply smiled, before looking away and at the book collection along the wall across from Louis' desk.

"And that's why you came all the way here?" I pursed my lips, "You could've told me on the phone, through email, or even a text." I sighed.

"I need a favour." Alex sighed.

"Oh?" I rose a brow, surprised. Alex has never asked for a favour before. Should I be worried?

"I normally leave Justin with his mother before I go out of town... But we've had an argument and she's moved into her sisters in the Hamptons" Alex sighed.

"And you need a favour for?" I hummed.

"I dont believe Justin is capable of looking after himself... I was just wondering if you could possibly watch him for three weeks? I'll make sure I'll get you any role you please?" Alex looked at me begging, desperate.

He never begs.

I pursed my lips, "What about my job outside of entertainment?" I rose a brow.

"Im sure your nanny could watch him? I'll pay the extra charge?" Alex frowned.

"How old is he?" I furrowed my brows.

"17,but he's been babied his whole life. Spoilt actually, by his mother... He can't even work a kettle or microwave." Alex explained.

"Im not spoilt." Justin snapped, crossing his arms stubbornly, "Im not babied either. I dont see why I can't stay home alone... You have enough money for me to just order take out or something." He glared at Alex.

I felt my lips twitch in amusement.

"Im so sorry, he's got the worse attitude-"

"I'll watch him." I cut Alex off, "His attitude won't sit well with me. I won't take his childish behaviour. Has he got his things ready?"

"Oh, uh yes. They're in the limo." Alex smiled thankfully, while Justin rolled his eyes, taking a seat on the couch with a huff.

"Good. Just get one of my employees to grab his things." I nodded.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Justin, you must listen to Jason. Don't be rude." Alex stood up, nodding at Justin before he exited the room to talk to someone about grabbing his bags.

"I dont know you. So you can't order me around." Justin swallowed, his tongue darting out to lick his lips.

I shifted at the sight, an unusual feeling arousing within me at the sight. I cleared my throat.

"You'll be in my house, so you'll be under my rules. You are seventeen, not five." I stated firmly, "You act ridiculous compared to my son, and I won't tolerate it."

Justin will soon learn im not one to put up with rude and childish behaviour. One way or another.

Author's Note; Please leave a vote and comment, lemme know if it's worth continuing x

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