Colorful Tears

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~Vic's POV~

Me and Kellin were in the waiting room of the principles office.  Since Principle Matthews only saw Mike and Kellin smashing heads he only wanted to see them.  Mike's still in the nursing room getting fixed up. 

Apparently Mike's face was like super messed up.  His nose was busted,  his cheeks were bruised, and one of his eyes were bruised.  A good 15 minutes and Mike was all bandaged.  He walked into the waiting room to the principle's office and he sat on the opposite side of me and Kellin. 

Ms. Roni got up and went into the principle's office.  Everything was so silent.  You could only physically hear the clock ticking.

Mentally I could here Mike telling me how bad I was at being alive.  I looked up and Mike wasn't even looking at me.  He was looking at Kellin.  I gulped.  I hate that look.  That's the look that Mike gives me when he's waiting for mother and dad to leave so he can hurt me.

I looked at Kellin and Kellin's glare almost looked as bad as Mike's if not worse.  Why do I feel bad? 

"A-are you... okay?"  I asked to Mike.

He kept his glare at Kellin, but he spoke to me.  "Oh, so now you care?"  He spoke with Venom.

I was so confused.  Where the heck did that come from?  Before I could take this on Principle Matthews came out of his office.  All three of us looked at him. 

He cleared his throat.  "I've called both your parents.  Kellin your mom will be up here shortly and as for you Michael and Vic, your parents aren't going to make it.  They are going to be out of town for the rest of the week and the week after, but they did give me permission to give you what ever punishment I see fit."  He looked sternly at Mike at the last part.  "Now to my office you two.  We'll wait for your mom in there."

They left and my eyes met with Kellin before he went inside.  I looked down at my hands and sighed in relief.  Mother doesn't know that I haven't been home. 

The door flew open and Kellin's mom came inside.  She looked pissed.  I took a big gulp.  She looked at me and walked toward me.  "You." She pointed.



"That room."  I pointed at the door.  She walked up in the room opening the door roughly then it closed, leaving me from the activities of the other room.

I continued to look at my hands and started to hum.   "Have you ever really danced on the edge?  Is something still scaring you?  Have you ever really danced on the edge? The count of three is up.  Have you ever really danced on the edge?  It's alright just tell me so.  Have you ever really danced on the edge?  Just hold my hand an jump."  Kellin's piano started playing in my head.  Kellin.  I wonder what's going on in there.  The door opened.  Kellin? 

It was everyone except the principle.  I rose up.  "Well?"  I asked in Kellin's direction.

His mom spoke instead.  "The bastard gave him detention for the rest of the week for getting into a fight.  Then he has to so extra for beating your brother to bits."

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