Chapter 1

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This takes place during the fight in the Blood of Olympus, but a minor change: the fight is at Mt. Tam the old place of  Olympus.

Without further ado My new story


Percy pov

This was it, we were going to Mt. Tam. We were rising towards the clouds. Leo and Annabeth said that the clouds would hid monsters from the radars of the Argo II until we were through them. This was definitely not good as we most definitely were walking into a trap.

"Hold on!" Leo shouted to the rest of the eight people on deck.

We all lean into a jolting turn full of turbulence; riding the Argo II has become second nature to us. Then the odd things begin. The turbulence forms into a bunch of storm spirits, like tempest, on the deck. We all fight as one. We already had our weapons drawn so we charge in, hacking slashing and stabbing all the mini-storms till they disintegrated. Then as the last storm spirit turned to cloud we entered the clouds.

For a full two minutes everything was white, and then, when we broke through the clouds there was Mt. Tam. At first I didn't notice all the different monsters covering the surface like a dark blanket, I thought that they were the surface.

The wave of monsters pulsed forwards and back as they pushed and shoved each other, some pushed off the mountain by their comrades.

"Here we go!!" Leo yelled as he got shot everything the Argo had at the monsters. Rockets, Archimedes's spheres and Greek fire hurtled towards the sea of monsters and, in the distraction that fallowed, Leo dropped us off.

"Let's get 'em!" I yelled the seven cheering behind me as I led the charge.

---Time skip of Awesomeness I hope they win! So does Small Bob!---

At first the battle went pretty well, Leo launched another round from the Argo II while the rest of us crushed monsters left and right, making our way towards the thrones the Giants set up. Then, naturally, everything went wrong. The Argo II was shot by a huge bolt of Purple lightning that came from Porphyrion. It slowly sunk towards the monster as Leo frantically launched and righted things from the ship deck. The monsters got over their shock and rallied around the giants, fighting us harder than before. We seven were backed together in a small circle when the Argo II crashed into the ground. We just saw Leo catapult away in a jet pack before it Erupted, killing half of the remaining monsters.

"We can do this!" I yelled out to my friends who nodded and hardened their face of worry and began to fight, just as Leo landed in the middle of the group.

"Nice of you to join us!" I yelled as we fought side by side.

Leo, too busy to answer just nodded.

Then I noticed that as the circle grew more people came and filled it. I looked to my left and saw Poseidon there and I looked to my left to surprisingly see Athena and Annabeth further down next to Athena.

I grinned at my father and said "Nice of you to drop in!"

He grinned back and said "Your welcome!"

We fought like that side by side with the gods making a path to the Giants.

Soon we got to the giants and they were more than prepared for us. When we got their they engaged us in battle gear, but we were tired from the fight to get there and it wasn't going well. However we had more gods than they had giants and so, battle by battle, we destroyed the giants.

When only Porphyrion was left, we lost someone. Jason, whose father hadn't shone up was knocked out, badly. He got a slash from Porphyrion that ran from the left top of his chest to the bottom right of his hip. Piper screamed and was there by his side dragging him away from the battle blood pouring out.

Then, after a giant roar of thunder stood Zeus in full battle armor master-bolt in hand ready to engage Porphyrion. Everyone cheered, but just then another giant wave of monsters came from within the Mountain itself and everyone was once again fighting for their lives.

I, along with Zeus engaged Porphyrion using water as a shield from his lightning and using it as a whip make him shock himself.

Eventually, after a long fight the ground started shaking and piper was lying next to Jason tending his wounds but ignoring her own. A cut ran from her elbow to her shoulder was a light scratch that dropped a single drop of blood on the ground; providing the sacrifice Gaia needed to rise.

Porphyrion on the ground, defeated and bleeding ichor form a hundreds wounds began laughing until Zeus and I silenced him with a simultaneous stabbed to the chest, from both Riptide and Zeus' Masterbolt-Spear.

Then a laughing, much like Porphyrion's but deeper, began resonating throughout the Mountain under our feet.

"I have awoken!" Gaia said with conviction as she formed from the ground into a woman. She was as tall as a god in throne form and had a forest green blade that was slightly curved at the end of the blade.

Everyone turned and everyone attacked, but Gaia was very good. She sealed almost everyone in the ground by turning it soft and then hardening the ground. Only Zeus and I weren't trapped.

He flew above the ground at Gaia but she swatted him out of the air, like a fly and slapped him against the ground sealing him there. A huge Broadsword materialized in her hand and she stabbed st Zeus's chest.

A loud *Clang!!!!* rang around the Mountain as I block the strike with Riptide.

I engaged Gaia in a deadly dance of the blades and was doing pretty good. I used my water powers to burst the wells the gods would have used when they lived on Mt. Tam. I used the water to rejuvenate myself and dumped all 3, 000 gallons of water on Gaia's head. I grinned and charged into battle once more, but before I got to Gaia she hit me hard in the side, breaking multiple bones, and throwing me into the ruins of old Olympus. The whole thing collapsed.


Annabeth Pov

"Percy!" I shouted in shock as the ruin of Olympus crushed him

"NOOO!" I yelled in rage and began making my way towards the source of my anger, Gaia.

Then the ruins began to quake shaking back and forth with so much violence the rubble began turning to dust. Everyone began to watch as, out of the dust walked Percy Jackson.


Percy Pov

"How are you alive?" Gaia asked

I looked down at myself, saw my broken legs and disfigured arms, and replied "Honestly, I don't know."

With that I charged back into battle, I used the water from the wells to push myself into the air and formed armor around my body with it. I then froze the water making it ice armor. I also added an ice sword in my offhand and decimated with unorthodox sword moves chained together in a style neither Greek nor Roman. I used Poseidon's Earth-Shaker abilities to keep her footing unstable. I locked blades with her and stabbed with a spear of water.

To my surprise it pierced her armor and entered her back right between her ribs into her heart. I froze the blade there and with it her blood.

"Hoooooowwww!?!?" Gaia screeched as she melted back into the ground. "I curse you Percy Jackson!"

"Whatever," I muttered, I've been cursed too many times to care about.

"Percy!!!" I heard from all around me.

I tried to look but I couldn't turn my head. The last thing I saw was Annabeth's face as beautiful as ever. My vision slowly focused in on her as I seemed to fall away and the light grew smaller and smaller until I could see no more...


That's a wrap!

Hope you all enjoy my new story!

Bob signing out!

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