Chapter One

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Chapter One

          WICKED Memorandum, Date 231.12.20, Time 22:36
          TO: My Associates
          FROM: Ava Paige, Chancellor
          RE: MAZE TRIALS, Group A and Group B combine

I think we can all agree that the trials so far have been a success. My only concern is that our groups seem to be going at a less than satisfactory pace. I recommend we try something new, think of it as a boost in their activity. This way we can get more responses in certain areas where we can't get if they are separated. The subjects seem to going down a road to nowhere. We have to get them to move forwards and if this is the only way to get them to progress I think we should take the risk. Merge the groups, let them see that they aren't the only ones. Let them form new relations so we can destroy them. We are all well aware of what's at stake. I, for one, am encouraged. This will be, by far, one of the hardest things we have done to them. The mission of WICKED is to serve and preserve humanity, no matter the cost. We are, indeed, "good."
Please respond with your own opinions. The subjects would be allowed one full night's sleep before Stage 2. At this time, let's allow ourselves to remain hopeful, this will help us send them on the right track.
Until tomorrow, then.

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