Chapter 2 (The Visit)

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After pondering over Faith's advice for the entire night, Kaylyn decided that she would go through with it and pay Matthew Mayhew a visit.

      She swallowed as she gazed upon the huge building that towered over her, making her feel inferior already. The building stood tall and was one of the biggest software companies in the state. She huffed out a breath, and stepped inside, her stomach churning with nervousness.
Business personnel's lined the marbled floor, their shoes clicking against it as they walked, their heads held high in neatly tailored suits with briefcases in hands. Some passed and turned up their noses at her, Kaylyn swallowing hard as she stared down at her pair of roomy worn out jeans, and a T-shirt covered beneath her hooded grey sweater.

She sighed and walked towards a dark haired woman behind a desk. At the sight of her, the woman's smile dropped from her face, her lips drawn in a thin line.

      "How may I help you?" she scoffed, giving Kaylyn an unpleasant once over.

Kaylyn knew her type so well it was almost laughable. "Is there a Matthew Mayhew here?" she asked in the same unpleasant tone.

The woman cocked a brow.
  "Yes he owns this building. Do you have an appointment?" She asked prickly.

Kaylyn sighed. "Can you just tell me what floor he's on?" she asked.

      "Do you have an appointment?" The woman pressed, straightening her already ramrod straight posture.

Kaylyn rubbed her temple and sighed. "Look lady, do you know which floor he's on or not?" she snapped between clenched teeth.

The woman glared at her for a couple seconds before she conceded. "Mr Mayhew is on the tenth floor," she ground out tersely.

Kaylyn smirked as she stared at the severe bun at the back of the woman's head. "Nice style you've got there," she exclaimed, pointing at the hair style.

The woman's lips curled up slightly, smoothing out her hair. "Oh thanks," she said, her voice still unwelcoming.

     "Yep, my grandma's favourite!" she grinned then walked off, hearing the woman's gasp from behind.


Kaylyn caught an elevator and pressed in the number for the tenth floor. It was packed with business people, the silence almost deafening. And to make matters worse she was right at the front so she knew she'd have sceptical eyes on her. She jumped when her phone rang, side glances focused on her long strapped bag.

     Kaylyn muttered a curse under her breath as she clumsily rummaged through the bag in search of the alarming device. She pulled it out and sighed when Faith's name and picture popped up on the screen.

      "Yes Fay, what's up?" she whispered.

       "Are you there yet?" Faith asked, her voice ringing through the phone and filling the elevator.

Kaylyn nervously glanced at the persons and smiled stiffly, turning her head. "Uh, yes I'm there and I'm on my way to see him now," she ground out tightly.

       "OK, so just don't chicken out, OK? You must tell him about the baby today today," she warned.

All eyes turned to Kaylyn, looking at her from head to toe. She wanted to sink through the floor.

       "Yes!" she whispered harshly. "Look, I'll talk to you later. I've got to go," she said then disconnected the call. She sighed, the elevator ride seemed like a trip to Mars at the moment.

When it finally stopped, some came in and some got out. Soon after, only three persons were left in, including Kaylyn, an old man, and a younger male about her age or bit older.

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