Chapter 48 (For Dad)

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The thing with life is that it can be so glorious until it decides to go on without someone you love.

After spending two months with his grandson and revelling in some of the best experiences of his life, Patrick died in his apartment while watching old video clips of kaylyn's childhood. He laughed and he cried at the memories until his heart could do nothing but weep at the lack of life that it suddenly possessed.

Kaylyn had been in the kitchen then, preparing his favourite, pot roast. When she no longer heard his jubilant laughs or the cheerful stomps of his feet, she had grown worried, immediately rushing in to see what was wrong. He had seemed to be only sleeping to her, but she knew that this sleep he had wandered into was more permanent than temporary.

She had cried, shaking him to see if he was playing with her or if he was asleep. But when she cried and called his name repeatedly, silence told her it was no joke. The only day she had decided to spend with her father- only them - and he had chosen to leave her, or rather, the lord had decided that it was time to bring an angel home.

Now it was the day of his funeral, and everything was that of pure gloom. Black dresses, black suits, black shades and the black holes in saddened hearts. Tears seemed never ending since the day of his death and the days seemed to be at a standstill, seemingly unmoving and not quite believing that death had knocked, entered and took without giving the family of the bereaved, time to say goodbye.

But what was good about saying bye anyway, when you would no longer see the ones you loved. And it was in that instant did they really understand death, now that it placed it's hand on someone they loved.

Kaylyn took a glance at his father for the last time, until the casket closed and his body lowered into the neatly dug hole they had placed in the ground. A ground Kaylyn wished would pull her through and give her a burial of her own, because she hurt too much. Matthew was by her side, his hand wrapped around her shoulders, holding her fragile body to him while he tried to hold himself together. The funeral was small, but Kaylyn wasn't really sure because her eyes had seemed strained on one spot, and that was the image of her father in a polished wooden container, dressed in a suit like he was going somewhere.

Heaven probably?

When his casket touched the bottom of the ground and they began to cover it with dirt, Kaylyn could no longer watch. She choked a sob and buried herself in Matthew's chest while she cried. Matthew held her to him like she was life itself, despite the death that hovered in the air.

When all was over and everyone hugged Kaylyn with their genuine condolences, Kaylyn and Matthew too, decided to go home. As soon as they move towards the car, Kaylyn spotted a woman, talking with a few friends of her father.

Her breath hitched in her throat when she was able to make out a few features on the woman. She was dressed in black, pure black; hat, dress, shoes and shades, and despite the fragile occasion of death, she was still able to maintain a ramrod straight posture and unwavering composure.

Kaylyn had called her a few days after Patrick's death to inform her of the unfortunate circumstances, but the phone had went to voicemail, thus leaving Kaylyn with no other option, but to leave a message. She didn't call back and Kaylyn didn't understand why, but what was there to understand when it came to Lilith Fisher?

Matthew, seeing the direction in which her eyes travelled, realized what, or rather whom, she was looking at.

"What do you want to do?" Matthew asked softly. "We can go home if you want," he said, knowing that kaylyn's heart must've been breaking more with the sight of her mother.

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