Chapter 19 (Getting Ready)

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Matthew watched in disbelief as Kaylyn scurried from the room and into the bathroom. He was so furious at the moment that he supported the numbness in his body because he didn't want to risk doing or saying something that would worsen the situation. The woman was so damned stubborn, that he found it unbelievable.

He didn't know what else to say that might change her mind. Hell! He didn't think anything would change her God damned mind, but he knew he had to do something. Anything! Jesus Christ, he was going to be a mad man before the baby was due.

At the shrilling tone of his cell phone, Matthew hissed and briskly walked from Kaylyns room and to his room where the phone was.

He cocked a brow before answering, the caller ID taking him by surprise.

"Catherine, hi," he answered in a cool tone, not betraying any signs of his irritation towards Kaylyn.

"Hello Matthew. How are you?" came her velvety reply.

"I'm fine," Matthew managed a stiff smile, even though it could not be seen. He wanted the woman to hurry along with the conversation already!

After hearing that, I'm fine, was all Matthew planned on saying, and not, I'm fine, how are YOU? Catherine cleared her throat and continued.

"Well, I'm just calling to let you know that my parents are hosting a dinner party this weekend. You're invited, along with..." she trailed off, wanting Matthew to think that the words she was going to say next, would hurt her to the core, but that was a part of her very devious plan.

"Kaylyn," she completed in a broken tone, smiling on the other end with the way she sounded.

Matthew took a moment to process the information he had just heard and when it registered, he said, "We won't be coming, sorry."

"Matthew a lot of business personnel will be attending this party and personal issues aside, I think it will be good for your professional growth," she reasoned convincingly.

Matthew knew that it was somewhat true, but he also sensed that something about it wasn't right. The Belle's were famous for their dinner parties and that part wasn't strange, but. "Kaylyn doesn't have to come," he pointed out and it was true. If Catherine had vowed to be so revengeful after their break up, then he couldn't risk anything, especially, at her parents dinner party. Catherine had made a promise to ensure his misery, and Matthew knew she was a determined woman, hence why, he wasn't buying her load of bull.

"You will need an escort," she told him and he flinched, knowing that much was true, but still... "Look, I know things ended between us on a very bitter note and I'm sorry, but it was until I really got the chance to thoroughly think things through, did I realize, it was for the best," she said.

"And I may still be a little hurt by it, but I also realized that you are a good man for putting your responsibilities first. I really respect that," she exclaimed, taking a different course of action to convince the man.

Matthew pondered on her words and stood there in indecision. Maybe he was thinking too far ahead of himself with the whole matter, he thought.

"Look, I'll get back to you on that," he told her truthfully. He was not in a decision making mode. He was still trying to find a way to stop Kaylyn from working.

"OK Matthew. Talk to you later," came Catherine's voice, and Matthew almost jumped after realizing the woman was still on the phone.

"Yes, sure," he said before disconnecting.

Matthew released a heavy sigh, twirling the phone in his hand, while biting on his bottom lip as he thought. A grin broke his face and he immediately dialled Jason's number.

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