The Demon Wolf

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(Y/N) pov

I ran through the woods, I may be good at fighting and like fighting but, 4 Minotaurs! I doubt I can fight that without at least breaking one of my swords. I love my swords I'd hate if one if them even got a scratch. I noticed two me people running towards me. I scream "Hey pass me two one-hand swords will you!" I see them pause and look at each other and one ran back while the other ran towards me. My eyes flew wide as I noticed that he'll get killed if he came down here. Then I noticed why he was running towards me. A minotaur was catching up on me and he thought I couldn't fight. I saw the guy catchup to me and about to slice the minotaur but I tackled him as the minotaur aimed at us with his hand. Then I saw the other guy run towards me as well and threw me the two one-hand swords. I cought one but the other stuck to the ground. I grabbed it and jumped up as I sliced the minotaurs chest open with one and then with the other I drive it down from his head to his feet right through his body. He fell to the ground and he disappeared in to dust. I grabbed the guy that I tackled and ran towards the camp. As I ran I noticed details about him, his Brown yet black-ish hair his blue eyes, and many other things."The camp is still far away, how the hell did this heavy guy here run all the way from there to here?" I mumble. The minotaurs continued to catch up,as I run I notice if I keep running at this speed they'll catch me. "Hold on to your ass dude." I say to the guy as I shifted him on my back as if im give him a piggyback ride, then shift in to a wolfish demon thing with black wings. I originally like to call it, a vonlen. (Pronounced vol-en the n is silent.) As soon as I shifted I started to run faster towards the camp. The guy riding on me seemed to start to freak out from either that im shifted into a vonlen or the speed that we're going. Either way he still seemed to freak out from the speed because he started to grip onto my fur so hard it started to hurt.

Percy's pov

I gripped on to the demon things fur, afraid of falling off. The thing freaked me out but the speed was terrifying. I've never gone thus fast before, not even in a car. As we approached the camp "it" started to slow low down and I loosened my grip. When we arrived I jumped off it and grabbed my pen clicking it to have my sword out. By the time my sword was out and ready I saw that he was back and rolling his shoulder muttering about how strong my grip was and that it felt like it could kill some guy named Sebastian Morgenstern? Something like that in at least a second. "Who the hell are you?" I asked I originally didn't expect an answer but he answered "My name's
(Y/N) (L/N). I'm here to see Chiron." I was confused "how do you know Chiron?" I asked as he handed back the one-hand swords to a random camper. He just shrugged past me to the big house. This guy is starting to annoy me. "Hey where do you think you're going, answer my question!"

(Y/N) pov

"This guy's starting to annoy me, if he's doing this on purpose im going to PERSONALLY SEND HIM TO PURGATORY!!! Not hell, purgatory." I continued to think as he tried to stop me from going to the big house. I sighed and decided to prove that im a demigod. "Dude, blue-eyes I know you seem pretty mad right now-"he cut me off shouting " Ya you think!" I continued to speak as if he wasn't the one I was talking to and didnt even exist," But I am pissed off! So I'll explain myself," I continued to speak as I let a death aura surround me and pointed to a clear spot near the end of the left side of the cabins and spoke "See that clearing? Watch." I said as i waved a few fingers around and a black and gray/silver cabin appeared. "That's the Hecate cabin, I'm her son. My father wasn't ordinary though so im not as I seem." I said is I walk closer to the big house and held the hilt of my blade/sword/arrow/dagger (right now the form of a blade) for comfort and to calm myself.

Sorry guys this is my first story it might not be that good but I hope you guys like it im trying to put most of my time in it typing at night eating candy and suger to keep me up since im not able to stay up all night like I used to but other then that hope you enjoy the rest if the story.also sorry for any type-os im trying to fix them all.

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