The Moment to Remember

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(Y/N) pov

I ran and ran the pain of soreness no longer bothers me the pain makes it feel like nothing. I cant keep it in anymore. The pain in my heart, its to much to carry. I choose that moment to go to my cabin for once more after all that time. I ran towards my cabin also since I know hardly anyone know it even exists and how to dissummon both the glamor and the mist at the same time and no one will think that I went there.I turn a complete u-turn and make slight left turn till I was at the back of my cabin. I dissummon the mist and the glamor and I run in and jump on my bed and shove my face in my pillow. I shut the world out as I cryed into it.

Nico's pov

I was normally in the arena but I decided to walk in the forest. I saw a guy running towards the cabins. He was crying. I saw his sleeve go up and saw a few scars. I wasn't that far so I saw a few. I saw him continue to run, It took me a few seconds to notice that I was running after him. I saw him stop then a black and silver/gray cabin appear. I stop in surprise. I regain my posture and look back at the boy. I ran to the cabin and then opened the door and saw the boy. He looked up from his face stained with tears. There was silence in the room till he spoke up. "Who are you?" I clear my throat and speak "Nico Di Angelo. You?" He stared at me confused possibly from why I randomly charged in. "(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). Why are you here?" I stand cunfused why did I come? All I saw was him running and his scars on his arms and ran after him. What am I supposed to tell him!!?!?! That I saw an attractive man and saw him crying so I followed him since I saw the scares on his arm to see if we have equal feelings?!!?! I stare at him and see his face that seemed to go from confused to stoic. I try to come up with a good reason and all that I could come up with was, "I saw you crying and I wanted to see what's wrong." Ya real mature Nico, real mature.

(Y/N) pov

"I saw you crying and I wanted to see what's wrong." My once stoic face was once again confused. Why would he lie if he cant come up with anything good, must be bad. "Well I guess im fine you dont need to be here so bye." I try to get rid of him but he just stands there awkwardly." So who's cabin is this which god is your parent?" I always feel awkward when I answer this question because my mother's bad. "H-Hecate." I try not to seem to nervous but my stuttering betrays me. He looks down and replies with an "Oh." I sit back up and ask him "how 'bout you? Who's you parent?" He looks at me and turns away without answering me so I stand up and step forward. "Who's your parent?" I ask again. This time he looks at he and whispers " Hades, the god of death." I look at him with my usual stoic face and open my mouth to respond with a 'oh cool' but my cabin door slams open and Chiron ran in he looks at Nico and looks confused. But then his attention comes back to me and he asks " who killed them, and why did you come back?"

Nico's pov

"Who killed them, and why did you come back?" Who killed who and that seems to be cruel to ask why someone's back. Thats all that keeped running through my head till (Y/N) answered, I look up as he did and saw that he wore a smirk. "Thats a little rude to greet me dont you think, but to what you were saying. A random guy did he's dead now but I came back with news. This does not include the Nefilium but the demigods, as well as the others. Some warlocks are trying to infect the mundanes and even some demigod with yin fen. I highly doubt that the demigods body's are able to survive this since their bodys never even have seen the stuff before but I need to find some of the best fighters and help me fight them." Chiron looked down in thought then looked at me then at (Y/N) then told him " I'll gather all my strongest campers then you will choose who to take." (Y/N) nodded then turned as Chiron left. (Y/N) sat on the bad then sighed as he faceed me and said " So you want to come with me?" I looked at him surprised and responded by saying " But im not that good of a fighting and I haven't had that much training and also I never even heard of warlocks I dont know how to kill it or even what it is." (Y/N) smiled and said calmly " I'll train you if your not good you seem to calm me and I usually need that on a mission and also warlocks is kind of like a wizard except more magic skilled and can make dark magic more powerful and are the spawns of a demon and a mund- human, sorry, and the are killed normally like a..." he trailed off thinking " A minotaur? I guess, bu that's my point so what do you say?" He asked again. This time I smile and say " Sure."

The Pain In The Night Nico X Male! Reader(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now