The Pain of Death

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(Y/N) pov

As I continued to walk to the big house I noticed lots of familiar training grounds from when I was last here. All though I did notice the golden fleece with a dragon next to it on Thalia's tree. A few feet away from us someone called to us. "HEY, PERCY! WHO'S THE NEWBIE?" I turned around and there was Clariesse." Hey Clariesse." I respond casually. Clariesse's reaction was hilarious. "(Y-(Y-(Y/N)???!!!!!" She screamed so loud that she could have beat how loud i always put my music when on headphones. Clariesse stood still for a minute but then ran away with her brothers. Percy just stared after them confused. "What just happened? I swear she looked scared for once." "She was scared, of me and what I proved of I can do." I respond casually after I chuckle at her. Percy looked at me weirdly. "What did you do?"

Percy's pov

"What did you do?" I ask, he seemed so stoic that he didnt seem to let things get to him to do something bad. "I kind of shifted in to the demon wolf thing you were on and kind of showed her a living hell and scared all her brothers and sisters." He said nervously. "That's all?" I question. From what he seems like that seems a bit to soft for him. He sighed, "I also keeped them a wake all night locking them out of their cabin and pretended to attack them but keeped the harpies from attacking them." That seems still kinda low for his level but still I'll go with it. We continued to the big house till I saw Chiron run out and run towards us. Look he's part horse and when you get trampled by a horse you get really hurt, or really, really, really, really hurt. And I choose to not get trambled. I jumped out the way as (Y/N) stayed in the same spot as still as a twitching statue. -I got to say he cannot stand still. He twitched every two seconds, but his words were fine, he had to always be moving or he would start twitching like crazy or start to make the same rhythm with his right hand, index finger, pinky, index finger, middle finger, then right ring finger and then again, other then that he was always moving. And apparently walking didn't count as moving to him-. As Chiron ran towards him he had a look of panicked, hurt, fear, and confusion.

(Y/N) pov

Chiron running towards me and he knows my brothers are missing but not dead by the look of his face. How am I supposed to tell the person that was nearly the only family we ever had that my brother's died??!!!?!!?!? I cant even think about it. It was my fault anyways. I was supposed to keep them from dying. That was my father final wish and now I disgraced myself. I dont want to ever live again.


Music, sleep, eat, read, draw, and write was all in my brother Kynstlo (pronounce k-in-stlo) also know as kyle put through my head when I dreamed. Normally unlike demigods my dreams aren't visions. They're just dreams like mundane's*. Normally I would dream nightmares that they would fight when we get older and kill them selfs and im stuck all alone to face the world. I hug my teddy bear that Alec my younger brother gave me and tried to sleep.(Just go with it and if you have a problem with it or think that that's just weird, I sleep with a teddy bear anyways it's going to be an important thing in the story ANYways back to the story) as I finally started to sleep but all I hears was noises. I woke up again and walked down stairs as I started to recognize the sounds more clearly. A blade swiftly and fastly moving through the air. I notice that both of my brother's room doors are open and empty.

No one pov

(Y/N) ran down the stair in worry of his two brothers. Once he was half way down the stairs, all he saw was both his brothers wounded Alec the most wounded. Alec was stabbed just below the ribcage with the knife still in him. (Y/N) ran towards his brother, the smaller, once (Y/N) got there (Y/N) heard a shout turning around he saw the attacker about to stab him. (Y/N) turned towards Alec and tool the knife from his body and sliced at the stranger. The man back up and (Y/N) turned towards Alec again. Kyle ran towards the man and tackled him. The man was stronger snd flopped kyle on his back and when kyle landed all he felt was pain going through his body.

Kyle's pov

I saw (Y/N) attempt to slice at the man after he tried to stab him but he back up. Just seeing him trying to hurt my family pissed me off. I ran towards the man in attempt to tackle him. But the man had had more training then me as he flipped me on my back. A moment later all I felt was pain. No mad, no sad, no maddes. Nothing I felt empty with pain. Then all came back to me (Y/N) was next to me as Alec was on my other. I looked at (Y/N) and smiled. With all my strength I had left,-which was hardly any at all- I gripped both Alec's and (Y/N) hands and spoke " (N/N), (Y/N) live on for me. My parabatai live on." And with that after a few moments of calming sorrowful moments, I faded away in to the darkness as it consumed me.

(Y/N) pov

After I saw the man stab Kyle I lost it. I ran towards him with the knife still in my hand and as I sliced at him I continued to think about both Kyntslo and Alec. That just made me more mad. Finally I killed the guy by a stab to the chest and a slice in the face. I grabbed Alec and brought him over to Kyle. I saw Kyle open his eyes and look at me. He smiled and said as if he doesn't say these words then his while life shouldn't have even existed, " (N/N), (Y/N) live on for me. My parabatai live on." I watched as Kyle died. I looked back at Alec and saw him smiling to. Me mouthed "I love you" then went still to never mover again.

*End of Flashback*

As soon as Chiron reached me I looked down and whispered " They're dead. They died because of me." All I saw was the look on Chiron's face before i ran straight to to woods.


Mundane- another way th I say a human as if you are not one

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