Teddie X fem!Reader

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I had just finished school for the day. I was heading home for a short period and then I was off to my job at the elementary school. I worked there for 5 to 6 hours and it paid well for such a small job. But I didn't do it for the money, I actually did it because I really loved kids. I worked 6 days a week and usually some friends at school helped me out with the kids that I worked with. But not today. This time I would be working alone. But that was okay, they had their things to do and they all had lives to live so it was understandable.


I had just arrived home minutes later, I was just going to change into some not-so-formal clothes.

As I was changing, I saw that someone was calling me on my cell phone. (Do the meme! Me: No)

I saw that it was Yukiko and I picked it up right away. "Hey, Yukiko! What's up?" "Hey, (Y/N). Do you want to come over to my house today? Chie's here and we have snacks". "Sorry," I replied, "I can't. I have work again" "Again? You really love taking care of those kids don't you?" I smiled. "Yeah. They're little bundles of joy". I then heard a male voice in the background that I recognized as Teddie. "Is that (Y/N)?! Can I talk to her?" "Teddie, no" "C'mon! Please?" "Fine!" I smiled at the sound of Teddie's voice, he was so childish yet he made me laugh. I had feelings for him ever since I saw his actual face. I always thought he was really cute. "Hi, (Y/N)!" The sound of his voice brought me back to reality, "Hi, Teddie! How are you?" "I'm doing great how are you?" "I'm alright" "Are you headed for your work?" He asked, he must have overheard Yukiko while she was on the phone. "Yeah I am" "Can I meet you there?" "uh.. Sure. I'll just let my boss know" "Great! Can't wait to see Nanako!" "Yeah, I'll see you there. Bye" "See ya, (Y/N)". I hung up, it was nice of him to meet me there. I was glad I got to see his cute face again. I finished packing up my things and headed off to the elementary school.


I walked up to the building and I could see Teddie was already there, leaning against the wall. "Teddie!!" I called out his name and his head turned to my direction. Once he saw me, a broad smile ran across his face. I rushed to his side and huffed. "Hey, thanks for coming" he smiled, "No problem, (Y/N). I love spending time with you" I paused for a moment, a light brush of pink covered my face. "L-Let's go in" we walked side-by-side together when we entered the building. I checked in and we headed off to the area where we as staff were to watch the kids until their parents came to pick them up.  From the corner of my eye I recognized a small, pink figure that was rushing towards me, ready to tackle my ankles. But I caught it before it could even touch me. "Ah! Got you, Nanako!" I picked her up and started to tackling her while a bright smile appeared on my face. Showing that I was happy to see the little tyke. "Ah! (Y/N)! No fair! Haha! You saw me coming!! Haha!" "Aha! So I was able to stop your evil plan! Hahaha!" Nanako peered out of the side of my legs, eyes laying on Teddie. "Teddie!" Nanako rushed over to Teddie and hugged his leg. "Hey, Nanako!" Teddie kneeled down to Nanako's height, "How have you been?" Teddie asked with a bright smile, "I'm doing great!" She replied. Soon other kids started to crowd us, sometimes asking "Who's the new guy?" "Is he staying here with you, (Y/N)?" "Are you two dating?" Now that question rang in my head for about a couple times. Are we dating? I wish. "Uh no. We're not dating" I said nervously, "Aww.." Said one of the kids in a disappointing tone. "But you two would look so cute together!" A different kid said while making a pouty face. I faced Teddie and he faced me, "The things kids say these days, right?" Teddie laughed and replied, "Yep! They sure are weird!" We both laughed together for a while. But what I didn't notice that one of the evil kids that I watched, Billy, was standing right behind me. Now Billy really loved sharp items, and he liked using them. Yeah, he was something of a psycho. But Billy didn't actually intend for me to yell at him after he did what he did.  Billy had a hidden threading needle in his pocket, he snickered and went behind my legs. He then used the needle and "stabbed" my calf. Making me jump forward, into Teddies arms and with my face inches away from mine. At this point, most of the kids were either laughing, whispering, or sticking their tongues out because of how close Teddie and I were to each other. When I noticed I was that close, my face flushed red. "U-um.." Was all I could muster out of my mouth. Teddie then realized his que, and connected our lips. It was sweet and passionate, but it was also over with quicker than I wanted it to be. A strand of saliva connected our lips as soon as we pulled away from each other. I looked into his eyes, I soon found myself getting lost in those big blues of his. But the laughs of the kids brought me back to reality. Teddie let go of me and I did the same, I was extremely embarrassed beyond belief, while Teddie over there was smirking like an idiot. Suddenly, my hand was grabbed by another, I jumped back a bit, but settled down after I realized that it was just Teddie. "Hey, (Y/N)?"  "Y-Yeah?" I replied, still nervous from the kiss, "Let's do that again some other time, ok?" He asked with a wink. My face flushed bright red, I started freaking out on the inside, "O-Okay" I replied, 'Such a goofball' I thought. But I was happy with this goof.


Hey guys! I hoped you liked this chapter, and I'm sorry that I took so long writing it. Curse you school!!
Please wait for more chapters in the future! Thank you!
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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