Chapter 1

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? Point of view

"Die you demon" a kick was sent to my stomach. "You should've never been born" a fist made contact with my jaw "Go to hell" stomping on my arms and legs "You should burn at the stake" more punches. I'm in the middle of the road. I'm curled up into a ball, the villagers are attacking me. It's night, but there are so many torches that it look like day. I whimper in pain. When will this stop. Why were they attacking me? Oh yeah, my eye color. the blue that is so unnatural that they beat me up about it. I had hot tears pouring down my face. I was shaking badly.Why? Why?! WHY?!! "Lud- up. Get-. Come on, please wake up. It's only a dream. No one's hurting you" I cracked my eyes open a bit. "Wh-what?" I can see red eyes. Ah it's just Gil. I felt better. He had the same problem as me, but with red eyes instead of blue. I sat up shakily. "Good! Now that you're up, I can have some help with the chores and cooking" he said, immediately perking up. I always have these dreams, so it's nothing new. "Fine" I mumbled, still half asleep. I couldn't shake of the dream for a while though. That's a bit unusual. It usually just takes me getting to work that the feeling shakes off, but that's not how it was today. It seemed as if there was something missing from it. I finally shook it off and went to feed the animals. As I was feeding the animals, I looked out to the horizon and sigh. I do this every day. There is no civilization for miles. It's a good thing, but it gets lonely around here. I wish that there was just one person who could come and visit us. We are going to lose our sanity. Yes we love each other very much, but we need some new people to talk to us. Sadly, that can never happen because people judge us for our eye colors. I looked hopefully at the horizon for a bit longer, than continued on with my chores. I finished at around eight, and went back inside to find a spotless house and saw pancakes at the table. Gil probably made them in memory Mattie. "Thanks bruder" I mumbled under my breath. I sat down, and started to eat.

Your Point of view

I stumbled down the steps of my house. Or what used to be my house. My father jut kicked me out with my mother while he kept (b/n). We couldn't even keep our stuff because he was so tired of us. It's not like we had much though. Ever since me and (b/n) were five, my father was gambling. After one of his bets, he lost a lot of our animals and land. He also participated in affairs with random women. I hated him anyways, but I wouldn't tell anyone that. (B/n) didn't even know about the gambling and affairs, but I did. He could burn in the depths of hell for all I cared. "Fucking bastard," I muttered under my breath, "he should go to hell" "(Y/N)!" my mother exclaimed. "Don't talk like that about your father" "You mean the man whore in the house who just kicked us out? No. I don't think I'll say very nice things about him." before mom could say anything else, I started walking away. "So which way should we go?" I asked. "We go west" She said.  

She was the one who helped us
The one who never judged us because of our eyes
But now she might be killed
And it'll be all our fault

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