The next day

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I'm so excited for no reason , I can't stop shaking my leg while eating a bowl of cereal without any milk because I'm lactose intolerant. I still eat ice cream but I don't tell my mom. So I get on the bus with my book, while reading my book I remembered that we lived so close together and Ethan's on my bus, how did I never notice him before? So he turns around a seat a head of me and asks me what book I'm reading I can barely hear him because people are so loud but I figure out what he's trying to say.
<Northern lights.>
I say trying not to sound too book crazy.
Oh now I remember why I never seen him on the bus before he normally drives, but why not today and it clicks, maybe it's because of me does he like me should I play it cool?
< Wow I love to read and don't think I'm just saying that because you're pretty I recommend ancient war.>
He says and I automatically blush because he called me pretty. Then I realize he must be at least 2 years older then I am because he has a car and he sorta has a beard but it's half shaved.
< I'll read that as soon as I'm done this book promise, just wondering how old are you.>
I say that last question without eye contact because I see something out the window that looks odd. There's a new kid, his kinda handsome but he looks like one of those types of players so I look away and look at Ethan again as he stutters.
<Um, 17 you?>
He say's and sounds nervous does my age make a big difference. I'm short so he might think I'm like a 13 years old or something but my body is more mature which makes me more 16 or 17.
<15, is that a problem or something because you sounded scared of my agggeee ?> I say and drift the age because the new kid comes and sits next to me without a care.
<What, what are you doing here go sit some where else.>
I say in a stern but polite voice.

<Hi, I'm Nathaniel sorry I just thought, well I don't know what I was thinking.>
He says then gets up and leaves

<Do you mind if I sit with you to talk and so it's easier to hear me.>
Ethan says

<Sure, can you answer my question from earlier.>
I say

<Sure, it wasn't that it was a problem I just didn't want to get involved with someone to much younger then me and 15 isn't that bad.>
He says and at that point I know he's a deep thinker like I am.

I say and he's whole face turns red

< Did I really say that out loud! I'm sorry I didn't mean to be forward like that.>
He says

<It's ok see you in class.>
Because the bus stops and I need to get off before I get trampled I'd like to talk some more but I can't.

Then the person behind me "Nathaniel" slaps me in the butt and everyone stares and I get all red and Ethan talks too Nathaniel and I hear him say: if you ever do that again I'll punch you in the face. Then I fell relived in till I hear stuff like Ethan and melody sit in a tree.

We finally get off the bus and I walk to my locker and put everything I don't need in it and go to my first class ... Second class ... Then lunch where Ethan and Nathaniel ask to sit with me and I say no to Nathaniel, of course and yes to Ethan. We have a good laugh about the bus and I think I may actually like a guy for once in my life, he ask me if I would like to hangout after school because I...we are both taking the bus. (I did actually lie about walk home yesterday because I wanted a risk.)
I told him I have to talk it over with my mom. Then its second period when I see him again and I don't think I'll learn anything in that class because we both can't stop smiling and starring at each other. Nathaniel is in that class to and sits right behind me and doesn't say anything thankfully.

After school we ride the bus and I bring him home to my mom she approves with a great big smile and we go up to my room first we do are homework then he tells me some stuff about himself like favourite colour and stuff like that. We actually have a lot in common, but then he asks where my dad is. I tell him the whole story and a little teary eyed well telling it. He tells me I'm sorry and stuff like that and he says he lost he's mother while giving birth to him and tells me how he feels like it's all he's fault that she died. I feel really sorry but I just go and hug him because I know how it feels to lose someone close but you barely knew them. I couldn't control the urge to hug him.

Then we eat and he has to go home and I go to my job and then go to sleep.

I don't dream and I think about what happening now that hasn't happened to me after so many years and how I... how so many things are on my mind, two boys possibly like me, my dads dead, I barely see my mom, I have a well payed job, homework, books and soon its basketball season.

*hang I there guys trust me this is not a love story

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