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When Leah came back from the jungle and to her home, she realized she had changed so much in the last hour with the zombie. Her skin was now completely green, and her eyes were black as night. She knew it would come, but was just so shocked to see herself like this.

Suddenly, she heard bagging on the door. She thought they were a horde of zombies, so walked over to the door and opened it to greet them. But there she found a mob. Not a mob like a pig or a sheep, but a mob of angry villagers, holding torches and pitch forks.



"Ugly!" They cried. They over took her and tied ropes around her hands and neck. They dragged her to the center of the village, and tied her to a steak. The leader of the village stepped forward.

"She has been with the enemy! Now she IS the enemy!" He held his torch high in the air.

"Light her up!" He screamed to the crowed, and they cheered. He herald his torch at her, and it bounced off her chest to her feet. The fire caught on the sticks and debris, and it shot up into the air, burning her infected scars, and filing her lungs with smoke.

My Love Will Not Die of InfectionWhere stories live. Discover now