Chapter 1: Usual Day

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    It was a few months after the invasion and the defeat of Lord Boros. Saitama was relaxing at the apartment while Genos was out doing the usual hero duties. Nowadays Saitama had more thoughts and emotions going throughout his life, now that Genos had came in it. Emotions like rage, excitement, happiness, and sadness came back in his life other than just disappointment. Saitama was noticing the changes and was glad that his emotions were starting to come back even if it would have to take a while. Out of the blue, Saitama's phone rings, reaching for it he answered it.
    "Hello? This is Saitama." He said in a blunt voice.
    "Sensei, I will need to get some repairs, for the monster I was fighting today had ripped off my arm."
    A rush of worry and disappointment went through Saitama, he stayed silent for a while, "...Okay then Genos."
    "It will take a few hours, but I will be back soon." Then Genos hanged up.

    Saitama kept the phone next to his ear for a few moments, before dropping his hand on his lap. He looked down still feeling the worry and disappointment. Sighing he got up and headed to the kitchen to start dinner. Saitama busied himself cooking and the bad feeling went away, as he numbed himself. As Saitama was almost done cooking, Genos came into the apartment. Genos saw the steam coming from the kitchen, knowing exactly that Saitama was cooking. As Genos lived with Saitama, he also noticed the changes in his Sensei's mood and activities.

    Genos walked to the kitchen, and was meeted with Saitama walking out holding some bowls and chopsticks. Seeing Genos, Saitama gave him a small smile and walked over to the table setting down the tableware. Genos thought about the smile Saitama had given him, he decided to cherish the smile no matter how small it was, since his Sensei didn't smile often. Getting the pot from the stove, Genos brought it to the table. They ate in silence, all you could hear was the chewing, and click of the chopsticks against the China bowls. After Genos finished, he looked at Saitama, cleaning his bowl and getting the last bits of rice.
    "Thank you for the food Sensei, it was very good."
    "Mm." Saitama answered.

    Although Saitama seemed to have shrug off the comment from Genos, he was glad Genos enjoyed his cooking. After cleaning the dishes and kitchen, Genos and Saitama got ready for bed. The days between them were very usual. Grocery shopping with coupons, defeating monsters, avoiding fan-girls, you get the idea. Turning off the light, both lied down, their backs turned from one another. After some time, Saitama whispered to Genos,
    "I'm glad you enjoyed the food." Thinking that Genos was asleep by now, not knowing that Genos had heard what Saitama had said. Now it was Genos's turn to smile. Soon after both of them fell asleep.

A.N: Well that's Chapter 1 for you guys! I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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