Chapter 4: No Love

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EDITED ON 2018 - 05 - 13

When Saitama was sure that Sonic couldn't see him anymore he ran straight to the apartment not caring if the eggs he bought were going to crack, he just didn't want to deal with what Sonic had said earlier, especially if he was only going to walk back to his apartment. Now, that would be hell. Once Saitama reached his apartment he slammed the door with his back. Breathing heavily, Saitama slid down unto the floor, the grocery bags beside him. His eyes flickered, his throat tight, he swallowed. "I can't be...I can't be in love. Love is stupid." Saitama thought. Shutting his eyes, he sighed, and his mind wandered off to Genos. "I wonder how Genos is doing right now. Is he thinking about he thinking about the kiss? He wouldn't fall for someone like me, right?" Then realizing what he just thought, his eyes snapped open, and he slapped himself.

"ARGH NO. God dammit...don't think such stupid things." Saitama brought his knees close to him. "From what I see in TV and looking at other people, love seems like too much work." Frowning, he stood up. Deciding he should start cooking dinner instead of moping. Dragging the grocery bags to the kitchen, he looked outside his window, and upon looking outside, he saw his reflection. He looked tired, and worn down. He stared intensely at his reflection, not breaking his gaze away. What made Saitama turn away from the window when a grocery bag fell to the side and against his leg. Flinching, he moved his head downwards, and exhaled loudly.

Picking up the bags and placing them on the counter, he went to the sink and splashed some cold water on his face. "I should go change out of my suit." Saitama mumbled to himself. The sun was setting, and outside the sky was a beautiful blue fading into a darker blue. Everywhere seemed to be quiet, not a single disturbance to be heard, or even felt. Today was a utmost lovely day for really everyone else. The citizens of City Z were glad that at least they were able to enjoy one day without having to be evacuated, or jammed in the roads, or really, screaming and running for their lives. But of course Saitama, wasn't enjoying the day. He wasn't enjoying the quietness, the calmness, because it left him alone with his thoughts, to consume him and to swallow him up whole.

Saitama walked back in the kitchen, only wearing some pajama pants. Grabbing the ingredients from the bags he started cooking. While he was cooking he focused less on the morning, what Sonic accused, Saitama closed his eyes, and started to hum a childhood melody. Zoning out, Saitama did not however notice the creaking of the apartment steps outside, and the apartment door opening swiftly. Genos entered into the apartment, nervous about how to face Saitama especially since the both of them were trying their best to avoid the memory. But when Genos entered he was hit by a lovely tune, and a fantastic smell. Genos straightened up, alerted by what he was hearing. The television wasn't on, and Genos wondered where the music was coming from. He tip toed towards the origin of the sound.

He was hit by a strong smell of ramen soup, and hit by shock. Genos saw Saitama singing. His eyes widened at the scene, since the sound of Saitama's singing was filled with so much passion and emotion that it seemed hard to see the usually blunt egg was singing with such strength. A word escaped from Genos's mouth as Saitama was checking on the broth. "Sensei?" Genos questioned. Saitama then abruptly stopped singing, bolted in surprise and sharply turned towards Genos, a red blush soon covering over his face. Genos and Saitama gazed into each other's eyes, time frozen for some moments. Until the broth was boiling and ended up splashing onto Saitama's arm. "SHIT!" Saitama cursed out loud, rubbing his arm he lowered the heat on the stove, letting the soup's boiling decrease.

Saitama coughs and turns his attention towards the soup and continued making the ramen. Genos staggered and didn't know what to do, standing awkwardly at the entrance to the kitchen. Breaking the thick aura of awkwardness that loomed, Genos spoke. "Saitama sensei, you have a lovely singing voice. I'd like to hear you sing more often." "Oh, erm. Thank you Genos..." Saitama mumbled. Saitama was unsure whether Genos heard him or not, but finished up cooking and got the dishware out. While Saitama poured the soup and noodles into bowls Genos decided to talk to Saitama about the kiss, knowing nothing would be resolved if they left it.

Walking towards Saitama, he took a deep breath and- "Look, Genos...about the accident that happened this morning. Just, just forget about it. It was just a little scare that went wrong." Saitama stammered. Saitama hoped that Genos didn't notice how he trembled when he said that. "Oh..." Genos replied. Genos had decided to talk about the kiss and ask Saitama what his sexuality was, and probably if he enjoyed the kiss. Suddenly a deep sadness washed over the both of them. Saitama was confused as to why he was feeling sad, he just told Genos to forget about it, nothing big right? "It was just a small kiss, it's not like it could do much." Saitama's thought echoed throughout him. If only Saitama knew how wrong he was. Or really, how he wasn't actually all that straight as he thought he was.

"Anyways! Um... Here's your food, I hope you enjoy it." Saitama held the bowl of ramen in front of Genos. Genos looked down at the food, and took it. He mumbled a thank you before heading out the kitchen. Saitama watched him go, and decided to eat his dinner in the kitchen. Saitama looked down sadly for some reason, but shrugged and ate.

A.N: Should I even explain myself? I'm sorry I haven't been updating that often as I should be, but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Am I being too dramatic though? Are there too many feels in this? But I will see you guys in the next chapter, whenever if comes out. :P

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