Chapter 5: What Gives?

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EDITED ON 2018 - 05 - 13

It was the next morning, and Saitama awoke to the sunlight beaming right into his eyes. Blinking repeatedly, he shuffled around in his futon trying to get away from the sunlight. He squirmed and moved until he rolled over on his side and noticed Genos wasn't in his futon. Actually, Saitama couldn't hear any noise coming from the kitchen, bathroom or really anywhere.

Saitama sat up quickly and looked around his apartment. "Genos?" he called out. The only response he got was silence. Furrowing his eyebrows, he got up and walked around searching for Genos. Saitama then stumbled across a note. On the note it was Genos's handwriting. Snatching it off the wooden floor, and quickly read it.

"Dear Saitama Sensei,

When you find this letter it is to inform you that I have left the apartment momentarily due to the incident. I do not want our relationship to go south, and we may need space from one another for the time being. I apologize Saitama Sensei, I shall return soon though.



Exhaling deeply, and scratching his head, Saitama looked upon the note once more before heading to a cabinet and stuffing the note inside. Deciding to just collapse on the floor he thought about on how he could forget about the kiss. Grocery shopping didn't work, watching the television wasn't an option either. But cooking and singing did help.

Pushing himself off the floor he decided to go to the kitchen to cook himself something nice. Opening the fridge and peering inside he decided to make himself a beef noodle dish. Humming to himself, he started preparing the dish.

A few hours later after Saitama finished making the dish and ate it to his hearts content, he decided it was best to patrol the city for monsters. So far the day was still quiet, but he shouldn't take the chance. Suiting up, he swiftly moved out of the complex and started into a jog thus leading him running at full speed looking around for trouble. "Maybe I should've looked at the news before I went out." Saitama mumbled. Exhaling loudly and looking around he didn't see anything troublesome.

Deciding to stroll around and wait for something to happen he walked around the city. Even though it was early afternoon, there was a lot of people out. It was a nice day, the sun was shining high in the sky, there were no clouds blocking the bright blue cover and birds fluttered over the citizens and tall structures of City Z.

Saitama hanged out in a park that was crowded. He was zoning out while aimlessly walking around. Until he glanced to the side and saw a couple sitting on a fountain gazing into one another's eyes, stopping abruptly and stopping to gaze at them. He then saw him and Genos. He envisioned him and Genos staring into one another's eyes, leaning in slower and slower, pursing the lips and-

"What the hell are you doing?!" a voice cut of Saitama's thoughts. Getting back into his senses he realized he had went closer to the couple and shoved his face up to their's so that he was in their faces. Looking around he also noticed how everyone was looking at him. Children, elderly, the couple, other couples, basically everyone.

Stammering, "I- erm, I just..." Saitama rushed away from the crowd and hid himself in a isolated part of the park. Cursing once again in his mind, he dropped his head in his hands. He felt so frustrated with himself. Balling his hands into fists, and groaning deeply, the egg walked out of the park while avoiding everyone that he could. As he exited the park suddenly he heard screaming and felt an explosion arise.

Spinning around to find the source of the screaming, he saw in the distance a monster that was wrecking havoc in the major part of the city. It seemed to be shooting out acid, corroding many of the buildings. Pushing through the ruckus of people, Saitama rushed towards the monster. The beast bellowed, which sounded like laughter. It sent out another acid blow causing more damage to the city and made a few birds drop from the sky.

Squinting his eyes from the fumes which made him squint his eyes, he continued to push through the crowds of people. He saw some heroes already get to the monster, but it seemed as if they were having problems defeating it. He knew Genos would show up to kill this monster, but right now that didn't matter. All he could see was many heroes attempting to bring it down, which seemed to be failing.

Finally managing to pass through the crowd of people, he got a closer view of the battle. It seemed like this would be a tough monster, since there were many heroes going at it left and right. Aimlessly walking, he bumped into someone, knocking them down in the process. Turning his head, Saitama was met with a mangled Genos, who was missing an arm and a part of his face. Blinking, he was about to ask if Genos was okay, but Genos got to his feet and looked at Saitama before bowing his head slightly.

"Saitama sensei, I didn't mean to bump into you, I also apologize for disappearing today. I just believed that we needed some space especially after what happened. However I wish that we can speak later since currently there is a monster near us that could pose a threat to our saf-" and right before Genos could finish his sentence, the monster decided to wack Genos into a building.

"O-Oi! Genos! Are you okay?! " Saitama called out, blinking from the sudden interruption. He attempted to go towards where Genos had been wacked into but before he could a large foot blocked his way. Saitama waited a moment before looking up at the monster that was staring down at him, his signature blank face plastered. The monster snarled at him, prepared to bring down another hero, Saitama however was unfazed by this. They both continued to look at one another, the monster seemed to be snarling more and more at the bald hero while Saitama just continued to stare blankly back at it.

Saitama then asked, "Hey. I was having a talk with Genos. What gives?"

{2018 - 05 - 13} A.N: Just changed some stuff, cause I didn't like the original ending of this chapter.

A.N: Man, I sure am a horrible fanfic writer aren't I? Well at least I kept to my word and said I would post a chapter before the end of this month, I apologize for me being a lazy bum. And I also apologize if this chapter really sucks and that Saitama is probably really out of character. But hey, that's what so great about fanfiction. You get to manipulate characters to your will. Even if they belong to someone else...any ways I just hoped that you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to upload a new chapter before the end of December. Cheers, and bye~ =)

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