Chapter 2

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(An Real quick, when i say Microphone, They have a headset and futuristic bands on themselves to record. The story takes place in Minecraft and not the real world. Anyways Enjoy!)

BajanCanadian's POV

"YOO Jerome I got some wet noodles for ya biggums!" I say. Me and Jerome were recording a round of Hunger Games with a new map a fan made. 'Benja and Bac' So we had to record it.

I have full lingerie armor. With a Diamond sword. (lingerie = Chain) Jerome had Full lingerie armor as well but an iron helmet. He also had Betty. His faithful Diamond Axe.

Between me and Jerome we killed around 15 tributes.

"AHHH VILE CREATURE!!" Jerome screamed. Jerome HATES cooked fish. He threw the fish at me and I ate it. "Gross dude" Jerome said.

"Ha! I bet you cant say Diamond Axe" I say. "Biggums please dont make me chase you around the map again" He says. I chuckle and start running and I look over my shoulder and see Jerome running at me.

I turn a corner of a mountain side and hide. And I see a cave. It looks safe to me, But Weve been in this area before and this wasn't here. Eh curiosity killed the cat. I say to myself. And i Walk in.

Jerome's POV

Im running around to find Mitch but I cant find him.

I kept walking around until I found a cave, at the beginning of the cave was Mitch's sword. I checked to see what tributes are alive still and he was still on the list.

I hear a scream from the cave, my for head starts to drip with sweat. "Biggums! Im coming for you!" I yell and I go into the cave.

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