Chapter 2

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I walked down the hallways looking for my room number.

211....hmm...I hope my room mate is nice...I wonder if she's even here yet.. I thought as I looked at the doors shaking my head every time it wasn't the number I as looking for. At last, I found my room and unlocked it.

"Dani hurry! We're going to be late!" I heard a small voice as I walked in. When I looked up I was surprised to see a small brunette standing by a bed with a phone to her ear. She turned around as II looked at her side of the room. It was decorated very tumblrish. She had put Polaroid pictures on the wall hanging from a string of Christmas lights. Her bed was full of throw pillows, each of a different color, matching her bed covers. Her night stand was full of little figurines and a big lamp that had the coolest design. At all of this, I smiled. "Hello there! You must be my roomie am I right? I'm Laura!" the girl exclaimed and extended her hand for me to shake. "Hi, I'm Camila Rivera" I said and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you" we both said at the same time. I giggled and looked at her.

"So, as you can tell this side of the room is mine, sorry I took it...I wasn't sure which side my roomie preferred and well I wasn't even supposed to be roomed with you but my friend Dani had some complications and stuff...anyway that's your side." she said pointing at the right side of the small room. I walked over and sat on the bed, bouncing up and down to check how soft it was. "If you have some stuff to bring up  here I'm more than happy to help you....after we go to the club and school academies slash programs slash sorority orientation." Laura got her bag and started to walk out the door. I followed her and noticed that once we were outside, Laura was leading me towards a girl she seems to know.

"Por fin! I've been waiting here for hours!" The girl said throwing her arms up in the air. "Callate niña. Mira, this is Camila, my roomie." She introduced me to her friend without telling me who she was. "Hola, I'm Daniela. Dani for short." Dani said with a big smile on her face. I smiled at her not knowing what to say. "Did you drag her here Laura?" Dani asked Laura and then looked at me. "I'm sorry Camila, she tends to drag everyone with her when she's in a hurry. The orientation doesn't start until half an hour and she's freaking out." Dani said and bumped Laura to the side, which then bumped me to the side too. "I like to be early to things!" Laura said bumping herself back into Dani. "It's okay. I didn't even know there was an orientation." I told them with a weary laugh. I hadn't known much about anything except that this was one of the best colleges to study what I wanted to. As soon as I was accepted I packed my bags, I didn't have much of a plan B. This was the only school I wanted to attended to, the only school I had applied to.

"We have to wait for the rest. Then we'll go, patience Laurita." Dani patted Laura on the head and she frowned.

After a few minutes two more girls walked over to us. "AYEEEEE WHOLE SQUAD IS HERE!" Dani said as she hugged the two other girls. "Hahahahah hey Dani...." one of the girls said and turned to me. "Hi, I'm Andrea. And you are?" Before I could say anything the other girl jumped out of Dani's arms and hugged me. "HI IM KARLA!" she laughed and then let go. "Camila." I said and extended my hand out. "Nice to meet you haha. Always welcome to add someone new to our squad!" Karla said and shook my hand. Laura hugged both girls and said "Okay now let's go!!" And she dragged the three of us by our hands.

Soon enough we were approaching the gym, as I guessed, in it a bunch of tables with signs. Dani saw a stand that read "COME JOIN OUR SCHOOL CHOIR" and walked right over to it. Karla saw some stands with sorority letters on it and went straight for them. Andrea saw one that had curtains on it and from my guess it was the theater club. I looked around to see if I saw anything that interested me. I quickly spotted a stand with paintings and drawings on it. I turned to tell Laura that I was going over to it but she wasn't there. I shrugged and went to the stand.

"JOIN US IN AN ADVENTURE TO DISCOVER YOURSELF!" Read a sign in big bold blue letters. I saw some flyers underneath the sign and took one. I noticed a tall blonde girl talking to some kids. She had a Barrett on that made her eyes look darker and an apron that had paint all over it. Her hands were a faded blue, meaning she had just washed her hands. I got closer to the sign and quickly poked it with my finger, the paint was still fresh. "Hello there!" I jumped at the voice that had just spoken. It was the tall blonde, who was now looking at me from head to toe. "Ehhh I'm sorry, I touched your sign." He tilted her head to the side, she looked confused. "You hands are you just washed them?" I questioned, even though I knew she had done so. "Oh yes! That's fine. Are you interested in the club?" She hid her arms behind her back now. "I mean...I guess? I just got here." I told her and she took a brochure from the table and opened it. "Oh well allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shannon. I'm the club president. Here we mostly paint ,of course, and at times we do pottery and drawings too. Basically any art. We do a lot of the stage for the theater club. And we compete sometimes if we find anything to compete in....OH speaking of competing, here's a sign up sheet for a contest in which you submit a drawing or painting and in two weeks from today we announce the winner. Prize is yet to me determined. Please sign up if you're interested" She told me and handed me a bunch of flyers. I smiled and said thank you. I walked away feeling a little bombarded and walked a few tables away.

I stopped at a table with books on it. A literature club, now I really liked that. They were displaying books like: --- I signed myself up and walked to the next table. I saw that it was a writing club. I liked to write, I wrote my own stories and poems and sometimes even songs but I never liked to sing,didn't think I was any good. I wrote my name down on the sign up sheet and took some flyers. "Cami we're going out to eat, do you wanna come?" I heard someone say to me. I turned around and saw that it was Laura. She had a handful of flyers too and a big smile on her face. Dani came towards us with Andrea and Karla. "Hey girls are we gonna go out to eat? I'm starving!" said Karla as she put her flyers in her bag.

"Yeah, let's go!" Laura said and we walked out of the gym. Dani said we could all go in her car and we all went to a small cafe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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