Chapter 4

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-Eden's POV-

I crawled out of bed at around eight in the morning, with only a few hours sleep. I had spent a good few hours last night making lists of everything I needed to get done at the library, all in folders and color coordinated. That was the only way I could stay organised without over stressing myself. I stared down at the piles of folders, notebooks and books on the floor that needed to be crammed into my bag, I didn't even remember putting them there last night, I was so tired. I stumbled around my room, trying to put together an outfit before heading for the shower. I managed to jumble together what consisted of (yet another) oversized jumper, leggings and my trusty, old, black, leather combat boots. I headed to the shower in attempt to wake myself up a bit more, still going over in my mind everything I needed to do today. After spending longer than planned getting ready, I headed downstairs in a rush, remembering Dan was supposably meant to be helping me today, although after last night I doubted very much he would even be up.

Once we'd gotten home from the cinema, and Alice and Phil had gone to bed, I reminded Dan about our little deal for today, and his response was wow you didn't actually expect me to go tomorrow, did you? Obviously trying to wind me up, it worked. I ended up storming off in a strop muttering to myself about how unreliable and useless he was.  A small part of me secretly wanting him to come after me, laughing and telling me it was just a joke and of course he would come with me tomorrow. But he didn't. 

As I entered the kitchen, to my surprise Dan was actually there, head in hands at the counter, half asleep. I stood there for a few seconds in confusion as a frown made its way on to my forehead. I walked over to Dan, he was all ready to go but appeared half sleep. I tapped his shoulder lighter and he slowly raised his head, looking at me with tired eyes and a small smile. I couldn't help but grin.

'You're actually up' I said, my grin unhideable. I was resting against the counter, slowly placing my bag beside me as I switched the kettle on, dying for my every morning cup of tea, something I couldn't go without, especially this early. 

'Yeah, of course' he muttered with a sleepy voice, rubbing his eyes and watching me as I made my tea all wrong, putting the milk in, then the sugar, then the teabag, and of course the boiling hot water its self. Dan frowned at me, that small smile still there though, 'you're doing it all wrong' he chuckled as he began to rearrange his hair in the reflection of a spoon.

'You've told me enough times' I smirked, discarding the teabag and making sure it was sweet enough, I added a little bit more sugar as it wasn't quite sweet enough. Dan shook his head before standing up and walking to the other side of the kitchen for no particular reason at all.

'I've had like four hours sleep, by the way, so I'm going to be completely useless today' he quickly said, still occasionally rubbing at his eyes. I noticed they were slightly bloodshot, and I actually kind of felt sorry for him, but not sorry enough apparently.

'I'm tired too, we'll cope' I shrugged, sipping the hot tea rapidly, that was the only way I could drink it, when it was boiling hot; the burning the back of your throat kind of hot. If it was slightly below that then it made me feel sick and I wouldn't be able to drink it. Dan continued to watch me as I finished the tea within a couple of minutes, placing it delicately into the sink and grabbing my stuff, the grin returning to my face as we walked out of the building into the fresh, slightly polluted, London air.

The walk to my university wasn't a long one nor did I even mind it that much. We lived in a lovely area, and the sights on the way were great to see every morning and afternoon. I couldn't help but admit to myself that I loved living with Dan and Phil, it was much nicer than the dumpster I used to live in, where there was a high chance you could get stabbed in broad daylight without anyone doing anything to help you. My university was big and beautiful, and I had considered the idea of living in a dorm but then later on changed my mind, liking the idea of having my own place, even though that began with a rocky start. The grounds were huge and a nightmare to walk across on snow days like today, and I knew Dan would have something to say about that. It wasn't long before we arrived, sharing a short conversation about how this winter felt colder than most, and the snow had stayed longer than normal, but that was it.

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