Chapter 24 - Keeping Hope

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One Month Later.....

Spencer's POV

We have been trapped in this madhouse for weeks now, which felt more like years.  We are either locked down in our room in the basement or doing stupid chores and work.  They still have us up for dinner with them every night and that is the only time we get food or water.  At first we all refused to eat the food they gave us, knowing what it was, but after a few days we gave in to our hunger.  It was either that or starve.  It was the hardest thing ever especially since we knew that most of the food we ate was our friends.  I knew deep down though that that is what they would  have wanted us to do.  Hell, Liam's last dying wish was for us to get out of this, so I knew he would want us to do anything we could to survive even if it meant eating his, Zayn, and Aurora's flesh.

One of the worst chores we had to do was help Tommy cut up the meat.  It was hard enough just looking at a dead person but to personally know that person and have to cut out parts of them was a million times worse.  I had to get myself to change my mindset that these were just bodies, not actual people.  They have moved on and I hoped and prayed were in a much better place.    

We all lost a lot of weight.  You could easily see my rib bones.  We all had hardly any fat or much muscle, just skin covering bones.  At this rate we would look like walking skeletons in no time.  All our skin was a slight brown color from being so dirty.  Sometimes we would have to do yard work such as mowing or helping with their garden.  That was the worst because we would get dirt all over and that mixed with sweat made us filthy.  Sometimes Mama would give us sponge baths but only our face and arms and that rarely happened.  Although she seemed to clean and care for me the most.  Maybe it was because I was the only female and seemed most vulnerable.    

After what happened with us trying to escape out of the cuffs the night Liam was killed none of us had attempted it again.  We all felt incredibly guilty for Liam's death.  Plus we were told that if we try to escape again we would all be killed.  It was one thing to risk your own life, but to be risking everyone's made it much harder to consider.  

There was one time where we came close to being freed.  Jedediah did keep his promise.  About a week after his first visit the first morning we were here he came back in the evening.  He had the key.  We all were so excited, we were almost ecstatic.  At that point a week seemed like a long time.  The problem was there were many keys on the chain and he didn't know which one was the right one.  It seemed like eternity waiting for him to find the right one.  He never did.  After a few minutes of jumbling around looking for it the sheriff came down.  He grabbed Jedediah and smacked him and screamed at the poor child.  It made me sick to watch.  He pulled him upstairs and we only saw Jedediah at dinner from then on.

At first we all had high hopes of actual police finding us.  People had to know we were missing.  I really did think that we would get found within a couple days at most.  It wasn't just anyone missing but One Direction missing.  I'm sure it was the headlines of every newspaper and news broadcast.  They knew we were last seen in Texas as well so I didn't understand why nothing has happened.  It was scary to think that we had been gone so long that everyone probably thought we were all dead by now.  I hoped they haven't given up looking for us but with us gone this long they most likely have.  I hated thinking of what my family and especially parents were going through.  I did know one thing though, if I ever get out of this I was never going to take anything or anyone for granted.  I would do anything just to be able to sleep in a bed or take a shower or even eat normal food.  At this point I decided if I get out I'm becoming a vegetarian.

The one thing I was glad about though was that I wasn't going through this alone.  The four of us were a team and we all stuck together and supported each other.  I knew just about everything about them and they knew everything about me.  We had so much time being locked in our room that we have learned so much about each others lives.  Well I guess they already knew each other pretty well but other than Niall I had just met the other two when we left for our road trip.  I didn't even know Niall that well, he was just my far away cousin who lived in Ireland.  

We had many deep conversations, cries and even a few laughs together.  Louis was a funny guy even in situations like this and I was glad for that because keeping laughs and smiles was a big part of keeping my sanity.  Having gained such a close friendship with everyone was really what kept us all going and having motivation and hope.  We all talked a endless amount of times about what we are going to do when we get out of here.  I was going to college but what I was really passionate about was music.  I have wrote way too many songs to count on my guitar.  I guess playing guitar ran in the family.  The boys encouraged me to follow my dreams and pursue my dream of playing music.  They on the other hand weren't sure where they career was heading.  They decided they couldn't continue on with One Direction.  It was the five of them that made up the band and without Zayn and Liam it wouldn't be the same.  Niall wanted to still play the guitar though.  Harry wanted to do something in the music industry as well but he wasn't sure what and Louis considered acting since he enjoyed being in plays so much when he was in school.  Every night I just prayed that we would be able to go on with everything we said we wanted to do.  We just had to keep sticking together like we were.  A part of me believed that as long as we keep hope we will get there.

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