Chapter 28 - The Escape

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Niall's POV

We had a plan.  It may not have been a great one but it was the best we could think of.  I would be lying if I said it didn't scare the shit out of me, but we had to do something.  Now we just had to wait until they got us for dinner.  Time seemed to pass so slow here.  It felt like we've spent centuries down here.  I never even knew such boredom exists.

After we talked out our escape plan, silence fell over the room.  I still couldn't believe Harry was really gone.  Just yesterday we were talking about getting out of here.  Harry really seemed to believe we would.  If only we planned this out earlier...

The four of us had become a team.  We had been locked done here so long, that we were all each other had.  We felt broken and incomplete with Harry gone.  I kept expecting to see him sitting down here like the rest of us.  It was weird, I guess you would have thought that I would have expected Harry's death, given our circumstances, but we had been kept alive together for so long that I figured that as long as we listened to what they told us we would have been okay.  I obviously guessed wrong and that was why we needed to do anything we could to get out of here ASAP.

After hours of doing nothing we finally heard the sound of the someone approaching the door.  The Sheriff walked in.  "I'll bet you guys are hungry?"  He asked.  We all wore blank expressions as we got up.

"Well come now, Mama's got dinner all ready."

As he lead us out of the room we all exchanged nervous glances.  This was it.  Either we get out of here tonight or it all ends for us.  All I knew for sure was we weren't going down without one hell of a fight.

We walked into the dining room.  It made my stomach cringe to know it was most likely Harry sitting on all of are plates tonight.  If we wanted our plan to work out successfully, we had to do it quick before Tommy came to dinner.  

Mama was still bringing the food in.  It was just us, the Sheriff, Uncle Monty, and the baby at the table.  The Sheriff had his gun sitting on the table by him, just like we wanted.  Louis and I looked at Spencer, signalling her to start.  She hesitantly got up.  Both the Sheriff and Monty turned towards her.  She walked over to the Sheriff.  He looked a bit confused.

"You know I'd been really lonely all down there in that little room.  I've been thinking that I really miss the touch of a man.  If you know what I mean."  She said in her best seductive voice while pulling at her shirt.

"Well we can't have that."  The sheriff said completely entranced by her.

While she was holding their attention Louis was sneaking over to grab the gun that lay only a few inches from the Sheriff on the table.  This was the moment we were all waiting for.  My heart was beating so fast it felt like it might explode.  Right as Louis was only a few feet from the gun the Sheriff turned around coming face to face with him.

"What the he...."  Before he finished his sentence I chucked the plate set in front of me at his head.  It hit him straight on, making him fall from his chair.

Louis had his chance now.  He swiftly grabbed the gun.  At this point Monty was yelling, the baby was wailing, and Mama ran off yelling for Tommy.  The sheriff slowly sat back up.  Louis aimed the gun at him.

He smirked.  "You have no idea how bad I have wanted to do this."

Mama suddenly ran up behind him with a frying pan held above her head.

"Louis look out!"  I frantically yelled.

Startled, he turned around.  Luckily he ducked right in the nick of time.  Spencer and I made our way by the doorway anxiously waiting for Louis to shot them and join us.  He aimed the gun at Mama and she backed away.  Once she was a good distance from him, he aimed it back at the Sheriff.

"Fuck you."  He said in a clear crisp voice.

He pulled the trigger.  Right as his finger pulled down Mama pushed his arm causing the bullet to miss the Sheriff but hit Uncle Monty directly in the head.  Blood splattered behind his head masking the wall behind him with red.  

"Oh god, Monty!"  Mama ran over to him.

Louis raised the gun once again at the sheriff.  He didn't waste any time pulling the trigger.  The loud echo of a bullet was not what we heard though.  Click.  It was empty.

"Shit."  Louis muttered.  He turned towards us and started sprinting.  We all made a dash towards the front door.  There we were meet with our worst nightmare.  Tommy was standing in the doorway, chainsaw in hand.

Before he had the chance to start it, we ran back into the house.  There were still yells and screams coming from the dining room.  The sound of a chainsaw filled the entry way heading towards us.  We had no other way to run than back the way we came.  I would rather deal with anyone than Tommy and his friend the chainsaw.  

As we got closer to the dining room we heard a voice.  "Hey!  Hey!"  The doorway to the basement was open and Jedediah was standing in it.  "Come with me."  He motioned for us to follow him as he ran down the stairs.  I really didn't know why he wanted us to go back down in the basement but at this point we didn't have a lot of time to stop and think.  We followed.  

"Where are we going?"  Louis asked.

"There's a tunnel to get out of here."  He responded still running as fast as his tiny legs would let him.  He lead us to a wall behind the stairs.  There was clutter and junk everywhere.  We had to jump over a bath tub to get to a small opening.  We had to all had to duck once we entered it expect for Jedediah.  The further we ran into it the bigger it became and we could stand up again.  It really did look like an underground tunnel.  There was dirt and mud covering the floor and it was stone that made up the tunnel.  

I heard the buzz of a chainsaw behind us.  It sounded distant though.  He had to have trouble getting through the tunnel.  The opening was really small maybe with a little luck he'll get stuck.  Eventually the tunnel lead us out.  We had to crawl out on the grass.  I had no idea where we were all I knew is that we were out and I wanted to kiss the ground beneath my feet.

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