Chapter 2 - The Waterpark

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Niall's POV

After the three of us devoured the pizzas, we changed into our swimming trunks and made our way towards the pools.

"Lou there better be a water slide like you said."  Harry warned.

"There is I saw it on the website. There's also a lazy river."  Lou said with a wink of his eye.

We made our way down to the ground floor where the water park was.  When we stepped in the room I felt sorry for Liam and Zayn not being here.  There was not just one water slide but three of them.  One was a single person slide another was for tubes of one or two people, and the last, biggest one was for large circular rafts that could hold up to six people.  It also was surprisingly not very crowded.  That meant no lines!  

"Let's go on the big slide!"  Louis yelled, already running towards it.

Me and Harry followed behind him.  After walking up about a billion stairs, we were finally at the top.  I looked down over the rail and realized just how high up we really were.  Harry also noticed and looked over.  A worried expression started to form over his face.

"Guys, actually, I don't know if I wanna do this."  Harry muttered.

"Come on Haz, you can't change your mind now.  I promise it will be fun!"  Louis said while smiling at Harry.

"Come on!"  Louis grabbed Harry before he could protest and tried to drag him on the raft. The life guard was waiting at the top of the slide with the raft.  I jumped right in it.  There was a little bit of water that was pooled at the bottom of the raft that felt cool and refreshing on my feet.  While Lou was trying to drag Harry on the tube, I was getting lost in my thoughts.  The fun had already started, a night of swimming with my best friends and then a road trip.  Being on tour is a blast in itself but having a week free in America, I am so excited! Not only was I going to see my cuz, Spencer, who I hardly ever get to see in the first place, but also one of the stops we were going to was to one of the largest roller coaster parks in North America.  I haven't told the guys that yet, because I want it to be a surprise, poor Harry, he won't be too happy about it but there's other activites we have planned that he should enjoy.  We were going to go horseback riding .....I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts and back to reality as I got rammed into the side of the raft.  Harry stumbled on top of me as Louis fell in on top of him.  

"Ouch!" I said while rubbing my cheek that Harry bumped into.

"Darn it Louie!"  Harry said in a irritated tone.

"We're ready!"  Louis said in a hurry, so Harry wouldn't have time to jump out.  The lifeguard, who was giving her main attention to her cell phone cocked her head up.

"Oh okay."  She said as she started to push the raft over to the slide.

"Ohgod...ohgod...ohgod...ohgod.;.ohgod"  Harry kept saying as the raft neared the edge of the drop.  He had his eyes tightly closed and his lips curved down into a frown.

"Here we go!" Lou yelled as we started to pick up sped and enter the first drop.  I don't think Harry could have gripped the sides of the raft any tighter.

I felt my stomach do a flip as the raft went down the drop.  Harry began to scream as if he was being murdered, which only made me and Lou start to laugh hysterically.  The raft entered a tunnel that had a light at the top which followed us while changing color.  We were twisting and turning while water splashed all around us.  We kept picking up speed until I saw a light near the end of the tunnel and we splashed into the pool, where there was another life guard that guided the raft towards side steps where we got off at.

Harry was as pale as a ghost as we stepped off.

"I hate you guys." he said with a stone expression.

We were both still giggling.  "It wasn't that bad." I said while patting Harry on the back.

"Yeah, your still in one piece."  Louis joked.

"Screw you guys, I'm off to something more my style."  Harry said as he jumped into a tube on the lazy river.

I looked at a another pool to the side of us and spotted a basketball hoop. Louis must have seen it too. 

"Wanna play some water basketball?"  He asked.

"Sure." I answered.  "But if I win you have to get me a candy bar."

"Your on."  he replied.  As he ran and cannon balled into the pool.


 After a hour or so the water park was closing.  We were all starting to show signs of the long day we had.  I couldn't stop yawning.  We were all in the hot tub when one of the life guards told us they were closing up.  We walked back up to where our rooms were.  I waved goodbye to the lads as I walked off to my room.  As I entered the room was pitch black.  I stumbled over a suitcase to turn a light on.  Both Liam and Zayn were sound asleep.  I could hear light snoring, not sure who it was coming from.  After a quick jump in the shower, I noticed that my phone had two unread messages.

The first was from my mum, she always texts me goodnight.

The next was from Spencer it read:


"I'm excited too."  I said thinking my thoughts aloud.

Tommy's POV

After supper I went back downstairs.  That's where I spent most of my times these days.  My eyes were so used to the darkness of the basement, that I stayed out of bright areas.  Down here was my area, my safe zone.  I felt like I could be myself down here without anyone judging me.  All my life people viewed me in a different way.  I was a outcast, a freak.  The only people who really accepted me were my family.  

Just because I looked different than anyone else it seemed to give them the right to treat me like I was an object, a piece of trash.  I've always felt that way about myself thanks to every no good sonofabitch I've encountered.  School was the worst.  After the first day of Kindergarten I knew my place.  Even teacher's would wince when they looked at me.  I would go home from school with black eyes and broken bones on a regular basis.  After a couple years of the torture, Mama finally took me out of school and she taught me everything I needed to know.  When I was a teenager I got a job at a meat factory.  It wasn't too far from my house, walking distance.  That job taught me everything I needed to know about how to survive and properly prepare meat.  I worked that job for over ten years up until the place went out of business.  The fuckhead who ran it didn't know what he was doing. That job was all I had, there was no way I was ready to leave.  After trying to kick me out one night I finally took out all the hate I had on every person who every hurt me physically or mentally out on that fucker.  I snapped when he called me retard.  I turned around and with the pallet I was cutting the meat with gripped tightly in my hand, I bashed it into his skull repeatedly.  It felt damn good and I knew that this was what I was meant to do.  

After the incident with my boss, my family had to cover it up.  My Uncle Charlie knew Sheriff Hoyt, the only sheriff in town.  He came over to the house shortly after I bashed my boss's head in looking for me.  I was on my way home from the factory.  So the sheriff took Uncle Charlie in the car looking for me.  When they spotted me along the road the sheriff got out.  He left his shot gun in the car and Uncle Charlie shot him from behind.  He became the new sheriff in town and thanks to Sheriff Hoyt we had a big supper that night.

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