Chapter 5

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Dedicated to the amazing Vee_ano, for the great sex scene, thank you my love!:D

Okay I let you guys suffer enough.. Here is another chapter of 

Dreams of Deception

Oh and a little warning... There is a sex scene in here. I will warn you right before it comes so you can skip over it if you like.. But yeah.. Here is the story:)


Andrew's idea of a honeymoon is way beyond imaginable, but he made it happen some how. We travled to Italy because I have always wanted to go here.

We are now in the hotel room, having got in late last night it is mid-day and we just got done showering. He said that he has a surprise for me. Can't wait to see this one.

"Are you ready yet?" Andrew asked from the room, I was in the bathroom.

Trying to make myself look perfect, for him, not for myself.

"Almost babe, chill out." I laughed.

There was a long silence, almost to long, I thought he fell asleep. But then he spoke.

"So how does it feel being a Medina?" He asked sincerly.

I paused to think about it. How can I describe how I feel now. This feeling was amazing, but something more as well. It was beyond words. He took the long pause in a wrong way.

"Babe?" He asked, I heard him get off the bed and walk towards the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, he was in the door way, staring at me.

"I can't descirbe it." I said, I saw the tension disappear from his expression.

"Good." He said, smiling that huge grin that I fell in love with.

"Okay butthead, I'm ready." I said, giving him a playful look.

"Finally!" He groaned back, acting way to dramatic, throwing himself around.

I just laughed at him. We walked out of the room togther, and he led me outside. It was now late evening so the sun was starting to set. The city looked beautiful. We walked down the stone roads, this was way different from America, but I didn't care, I liked it.

We walked a couple blocks down the street and came to a nice looking restaraunt. He led me in, the waiter instantly saw us, and came up to us.

"Quanti?" The waiter asked us.

"Due." Andrew replied in a perfect Italian accent.  

The waiter nodded and led us to a table. When we sat down and the waiter left. I turned to Andrew and he was smiling at me.

"Nice." I said to him, making him grin wider.

"What?" He laughed.

"I didn't know you spoke Italian." I said, placing my hand on his.

"What do you think I have been doing for the past two months? Why do you think I haven't been home at all?" He laughed.

"I just thought you worked late." I replied.

"That's what I told you." He smiled, like he was the best genius in the world.

 I looked to my left and this lady was smiling at us. I looked at Andrew to see if he noticed to, and he did, he was staring back at her, smiling.

Dreams of Deception (BoyxBoy) [Book II]Where stories live. Discover now